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Question Number 108407 by ZiYangLee last updated on 16/Aug/20

The sides AB, BC, CA of a triangleABC  have 3, 4 and 5 interior points respectively  on them. The total number of triangles  that can be constructed by using these  points as vertices is


Answered by mbertrand658 last updated on 16/Aug/20

Because all the points are bounded by a  triangle, it follows that any combination  of interior points forms a triangle as long  as they do not all lie on one side.     There are 3 × 4 × 5 = 60 unique triangles  when choosing one point from each side.     Choosing two points on side AB yields  3C2 × 9 = ((3!)/((3 − 2)! × 2!)) × 9 = 3 × 9 = 27  new triangles.     Choosing two points on side BC yields  4C2 × 8 = ((4!)/((4 − 2)! × 2!)) × 8 = 6 × 8 = 48  new triangles.     Choosing two points on side AC yields  5C2 × 7 = ((5!)/((5 − 2)! × 2!)) × 7 = 10 × 7 = 70  new triangles.     Therefore, the total number of triangles  that can be constructed using the given  points as vertices is  60 + 27 + 48 + 70 = 205 triangles.


Commented by ZiYangLee last updated on 19/Aug/20

Wow Nice!


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