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Question Number 109500 by john santu last updated on 24/Aug/20

Given  { ((a^2 +ab+bc+ac=a+c)),((b^2 +ab+bc+ac=b+a)),((c^2 +ab+bc+ac=c+b)) :}  find the value of a+b+c


Answered by bemath last updated on 24/Aug/20

⇔ (a+b+c)^2 +ab+bc+ac=2(a+b+c)  let a+b+c = p  ⇒p^2 +ab+bc+ac = p  ⇒(1/a)+(1/b)+(1/c)=((ab+ac+bc)/(abc))


Answered by mr W last updated on 24/Aug/20

due to symmetry:  a=b=c  ⇒4a^2 =2a  ⇒a=0 or a=(1/2)  ⇒a+b+c=0 or (3/2)


Commented by bemath last updated on 24/Aug/20

sir. how to know that equation due to  symetry sir?


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Aug/20

if you replace a with b or c, b with c or  a, c with a or b, and the equations  remain the same, then they are  symmetric. a=b=c could be the  solution, but mustn′t.


Commented by bemath last updated on 24/Aug/20

thank you sir


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 24/Aug/20

a+c−a^2 =b+a−b^2 =c+b−c^2   b+a−b^2 −a−c+a^2 =0  (a−b)(a+b−1)=0 ×  a=b ∣ a+b=1  Similarly  b=c ∣ b+c=1  c=a ∣ c+a=1  a=b=c ∣ 2(a+b+c)=3  a+b+c=3k ∀k∈Z  ∣  a+b+c=3/2


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Aug/20

i mean when a=b=c=k, then  4k^2 =2k  ⇒k=0 or k=(1/2)  there is no other solutions.


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Aug/20

k=0 ?


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 24/Aug/20

Yes sir, I think a=b=c=0 also  satisfy the given equations.


Commented by $@y@m last updated on 24/Aug/20

@ Mr. Rashid Sindhi!  How c disappeared in 3^(rd)  line?


Commented by $@y@m last updated on 24/Aug/20

@ Mr. W!  Sorry,  No doubt on your solution.   This app does not specify  comment over comment. All goes  in a continuous chain.


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 24/Aug/20

@ S@y@m  b−b^2 −c+a^2 =0  a^2 −b^2 +b−c  (a−b)(a+b)+b−c  I thought c as a! This mistake  made my calculation easy but  you caught my mistake. hahaha..  and make my way difficult!


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 24/Aug/20

@ Mr W  sir the solution is wrong.


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