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Question Number 109639 by Ar Brandon last updated on 24/Aug/20

Answered by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 25/Aug/20

S=Σ_(n=1) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/n^2 )=(−1)Σ_(n=1) ^∞ (((−1)^(n+1) )/n^2 )=(−1)((1/1)−(1/2^2 )+(1/3^2 )−(1/4^2 )+.....)  S_n =Σ_(n=1) ^∞ (1/n^2 )=1+(1/2^2 )+(1/3^2 )+....  S_n −S=2((1/2^2 )+(1/4^2 )+....)=2Σ_(n=1) ^∞ (1/((2n)^2 ))  Σ^∞ (1/n^2 )−Σ^∞ (1/(2n^2 ))=S  (1/2)Σ^∞ (1/n^2 )=S  (1/2).(π^2 /6)=S  S=(π^2 /(12))    S=−(π^2 /(12))


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 25/Aug/20

sir shikari S is negative.!


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 25/Aug/20

1)f(x) =u(x)+v(x) with u(x)=x^2 (even) and v =πx(odd)  u(x) =(a_o /2) +Σ_(n=1) ^∞  a_n  cos(nx)  a_n =(2/T)∫_([T]) u(x)cos(nx)dx =(1/π)∫_(−π) ^π x^2 cos(nx) =(2/π)∫_0 ^π  x^2 cos(nx)dx ⇒  (π/2)a_n =[(x^2 /n)sin(nx)]_0 ^π −∫_0 ^π ((2x)/n) sin(nx)dx =−(2/n)∫_0 ^π  xsin(nx)dx  =−(2/n){  [−(x/n)cos(nx)]_0 ^π +∫_0 ^π (1/n)cos(nx)dx}  =−(2/n){ −(π/n)(−1)^n  +(1/n^2 )[sin(nx)]_0 ^π } =((2π)/n^2 )(−1)^(n )  ⇒  a_n =((2π)/n^2 )×(2/π)(−1)^n  =(4/n^2 )(−1)^n   we hsve a_o =(2/π)∫_0 ^π  x^2  dx  =(2/π)[(x^3 /3)]_0 ^π  =(2/π)×(π^3 /3) =((2π^2 )/3) ⇒(a_o /2) =(π^2 /3) ⇒x^2  =(π^2 /3) +4Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (((−1)^n )/n^2 )cos(nx)  v(x) =πx =Σ_(n=1) ^∞  b_n sin(nx) ⇒  b_n =(2/T)∫_([T])  v(x)sin(nx)dx =(1/π)∫_(−π) ^π πxsin(nx)dx  =2 ∫_0 ^π  x sin(nx)dx =2{ [−(x/n)cos(nx)]_0 ^π +∫_0 ^π (1/n)cos)nx)dx}  =2{−(π/n)(−1)^n  +(1/n^2 )[sin(nx)]_0 ^π } =((−2π)/n) (−1)^n  ⇒  v(x) =πx =−2π Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (((−1)^n )/n)sin(nx) ⇒  f(x) =(π^2 /3)+4Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (((−1)^n )/n^2 )cos(nx)−2π Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (((−1)^n )/n)sin(nx)  2) x=0 ⇒0 =(π^2 /3) +4 Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (((−1)^n )/n^2 ) ⇒Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (((−1)^n )/n^2 ) =−(π^2 /(12))


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 25/Aug/20

Je vous remercie��

Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 25/Aug/20

you are welcome


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