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Question Number 111537 by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 04/Sep/20

What is the minimum value obtained  when an arbitrary number of three  different non−zero digits is divided  by the sum of its digits?


Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 04/Sep/20

Suppose abc^(−) =100a+20b+c.We need  find the smallest value of    P=((100a+10b+c)/(a+b+c)) where  a,b,c∈{1,2,3,...,9};a≠b;a≠c;b;c  P=1+((99a+9b)/(a+b+c)).We will prove that  ((99a+9b)/(a+b+c))≥((171)/(18))⇔((11a+b)/(a+b+c))≥((19)/(18))(∗)  ⇔198a+18b≥19a+19b+19c  ⇔179a≥b+19c.Since b≠c≤9  This last  inequality is always true since  b,c≤9⇒b+20c≤8+19.9=179≤179a  due to a≥1.Hence the inequality is  proved.Consequently,P≥1+((171)/(18))=((21)/2)  Which means ((abc^(−) )/(a+b+c)) has least value   equal to ((21)/2)when abc^(−) =189


Commented by Her_Majesty last updated on 04/Sep/20

“three different digits”


Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 04/Sep/20

Thank you,Sir.I missed that hypothesis  and corrected


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 04/Sep/20



Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 04/Sep/20

How did you know you are to prove  that ((99a+9b)/(a+b+c))≥((171)/(18)) ?


Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 05/Sep/20

Had in the above solution since it is  equivalent ((11a+b)/(a+b+c))≥((19)/(18))  ⇔198a+18b≥19a+19b+19c  ⇔179a≥19c+b.The inequality is  always true ∀a,b,c∈{1,2,...,9},a≠b,  b≠c,c≠a.Indeed,19c+b≤19.9+8  =179.1≤179a due to a≥11


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 05/Sep/20

Thanks but you didn′t really answer  my question.


Answered by Her_Majesty last updated on 04/Sep/20

((100a+10b+c)/(a+b+c))  (1) lowest number with a<b<c  (2) a as low as possible ⇒ a=1  (3) c as high as possible ⇒ c=9  ((10b+109)/(b+10))=10 with b→∞ ⇒ b as high as  possible ⇒ b=8 (a≠b≠c)  ⇒ ((189)/(18))=10.5


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 04/Sep/20

How did you know ((10b+109)/(b+10)) is  equal to 10?


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