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Question Number 111859 by ajfour last updated on 05/Sep/20

I=∫(dx/((x^2 +2x+3)(√(x^2 +x+3)))) = ?  my try..


Commented by Sarah85 last updated on 05/Sep/20

my try:  (1.) u=ln (2x+1+2(√(x^2 +x+3)))           x=((e^(2u) −2e^u −11)/(4e^u ))           dx=(√(x^2 +x+3))du  16∫(e^(2u) /(e^(4u) +4e^(3u) +14e^(2u) −44e^u +121))du  (2.) v=e^u            u=ln v           du=(dv/e^u )  16∫(v/(v^4 +4v^3 +14v^2 −44v+121))dv  of course now we must decompose and it′s  theoretically easy but hard to write out...  I don′t think there′s an alternative without  a 4^(th) −degree polynome...


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 05/Sep/20

good. I would add a 3^(rd)  step  w=v+1 → dv=dw  16∫((w−1)/(w^4 +8w^2 −64w+176))dw  the square factors are  w^2 −2(√(2+2(√3)))w+4(2+(√3)−2(√(−1+(√3))))  and  w^2 +2(√(2+2(√3)))w+4(2+(√3)+2(√(−1+(√3))))  ⇒  16∫((w−1)/(w^4 +8w^2 −64w+176))dw=  =((√3)/6)∫(((√(−1+(√3)))w−4+2(√(2+2(√3))))/(w^2 −2(√(2+2(√3)))w+4(2+(√3)−2(√(−1+(√3))))))dw−  −((√3)/6)∫(((√(−1+(√3)))w+4+2(√(2+2(√3))))/(w^2 +2(√(2+2(√3)))w+4(2+(√3)+2(√(−1+(√3))))))dw  and we can solve these using the formula for  ∫((ax+b)/(x^2 +cx+d))dx  if we must; i.e. if our survival depends on it


Commented by mathdave last updated on 06/Sep/20

u can only survive a way out only by  using ferrari trick or idea to  decompose d degree 4 to difference of a  two square


Commented by mathdave last updated on 06/Sep/20

should i help u break this 4 degree of  this equation


Commented by mathdave last updated on 06/Sep/20

who told u dat there is no alternative  without degree 4 polynomial,if u  wanna kwn check my working to  see dat


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 06/Sep/20

no help needed, thank you very much.  as you can see (if you take a closer look) I  already decomposed the 4^(th)  degree. all that′s  left is inserting the constants in the well  known formula. no need to re−invent the  wheel.


Commented by mathdave last updated on 06/Sep/20

anyhow or watever


Answered by mathdave last updated on 06/Sep/20

solution to   let I=∫(dx/((x^2 +2x+3)(√(x^2 +x+3))))    put x=(((√3)−(√3)t)/(1+t))  and  dx=−((2(√3))/((1+t)^2 ))dt  I=∫((−2(√3)dt)/((((3(1−t)^2 )/((1+t)^2 ))+2(√3)(((1−t))/((1+t)))+3)(√(((3(1−t)^2 )/((1+t)^2 ))+(√3)(((1−t)/(1+t)))+3))))  by simplify we have that  I=∫((−2(√3)(1+t)dt)/((6−2(√3))t^2 +(6+2(√3)))(√((6−(√3))t^2 +(6+(√3))))))  let a=6−2(√3),b=6+2(√3),c=6−(√3),d=6+(√3)  ∫((−2(√3)(1+t)dt)/((at^2 +b)(√(ct^2 +d))))=−2(√3)∫(dt/((at^2 +b)(√(ct^2 +d))))−2(√3)∫(t/((at^2 +b)(√(ct^2 +d))))dt  Let A=∫(dt/((at^2 +b)(√(ct^2 +d))))    let  y=(t/(√(ct^2 +d)))  ,t^2 =((y^2 d)/(1−y^2 c)),dt=((√d)/((1−y^2 c)^(3/2) ))dy  A=∫((y(√d))/(((1−y^2 c)^(3/2) )/([a(((y^2 d)/(1−y^2 c)))+b](√((y^2 d)/(1−y^2 c))))))dy=  A=∫(dy/((ay^2 d+b−y^2 bc)(1−y^2 c)))  A=∫(((bc−ad)dy)/(ad[(bc−ad)y^2 −b]))−∫((cdy)/(ad(cy^2 −1)))  A=((ad−bc)/(ad))∫(dy/((ad−bc)y^2 +b))+(1/(ad))∫(dy/((1/c)−y^2 ))  A=((ad−bc)/(ad(ad−bc)))∫(dy/(y^2 +[(√(b/(ad−bc)))]^2 ))+(1/(ad))∫(dy/(((1/(√c)))^2 −y^2 ))  A=(1/(ad))(√((ad−bc)/b))tan^(−1) [((y(√(ad−bc)))/(√b))]+(1/(ad))×((√c)/2)ln[(1/((√c)/((1/(√c))−y)))+y ]  A=(1/(ad))(√((ad−bc)/b))tan^(−1) [((y(√(ad−bc)))/(√b))]+((√c)/(2ad))ln[((1+y(√c))/(1−y(√c)))]  A=(1/(ad))(√((ad−bc)/b))tan^(−1) [((t(√(ad−bc)))/(√(cbt^2 +bd)))]+((√c)/(2ad))ln[(((√(ct^2 +d))+t(√c))/((√(ct^2 +d))−t(√c)))]....(1)  then B=∫((tdt)/((at^2 +b)(√(ct^2 +d))))=(1/2)∫((d(t^2 ))/((at^2 +b)(√(ct^2 +d))))  B=(1/2)∫(du/((au+b)(√(cu+d))))     (  put u=t^2   ,put p^2 =cu+d,2pdp=cdu)  B=(1/(2c))∫((2pdp)/([a(((−d+p^2 )/c))+b]p))=(c/c)∫(dp/((ap^2 −ad+bc)))  B=∫(dp/(ap^2 +(bc−ad)))=(1/a)∫(dp/(p^2 +(((bc−ad)/a))))  B=(1/a)∫(dp/(p^2 +((√((bc−ad)/a)))))=((√a)/(a(√(bc−ad))))tan^(−1) [((pdp)/(√(bc−ad)))]  B=(1/((√a)(√(bc−ad))))tan^(−1) [((√(acu+da))/(√(bc−ad)))]+k  B=(1/(√(abc−a^2 d)))tan^(−1) [((√(act^2 +ad ))/(√(bc−ad)))]+k.......(2)  then   I=−((2(√3))/(ad))(√((ad−bc)/b))tan^(−1) [((t(√(ad−bc)))/(√(cbt^2 +bd)))]−(((√3)(√c))/(ad))ln[(((√(ct^2 +d))+t(√c))/((√(ct^2 +d))−t(√c)))]      −((2(√3))/(√(abc−a^2 d)))tan^(−1) [((√(act^2 +ad))/(√(bc−ad)))]+k  but t=(((√3)−x)/((√3)+x))  I=−((2(√3))/(ad))(√((ad−bc)/b))tan^(−1) [((((√3)−x)(√(ad−bc)))/(((√3)+x)(√(cb((((√3)−x)/((√3)+x)))^2 +bd))))]       −(((√3)(√c))/(ad))ln[(((√(c((((√3)−x)/((√3)+x)))^2 +d))+((((√3)−x)/((√3)+x)))(√c))/((√(c((((√3)−x)/((√3)+x)))^2 +d))−((((√3)−x)/((√3)+x)))(√c)))]        −((2(√3))/(√(abc−a^2 d)))tan^(−1) [((√(ac((((√3)−x)/((√3)+x)))^2 +ad))/(√(bc−ad)))]+k  where a=6−2(√3),b=6+2(√3),c=6−(√3),d=6+(√3)  by mathdave (05/09/2020)


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 06/Sep/21

great sir


Answered by ajfour last updated on 06/Sep/20

I=∫(dx/({(x+1)^2 +2}(√((x+(1/2))^2 +((11)/4)))))  let   x+(1/2)=((√(11))/2)tan θ  I=∫((((√(11))/2)sec^2 θdθ)/({((((√(11))tan θ+1)^2 )/4)+2}((√(11))/2)sec θ))     =4∫((sec θdθ)/(((√(11))tan θ+1)^2 +8))     =4∫((cos θdθ)/(11sin^2 θ+(√(11))sin 2θ+9cos^2 θ))    =4∫((cos θdθ)/(11+(√(11))sin 2θ−1−cos 2θ))   I =4∫((cos θdθ)/(10−2(√3)cos (2θ+tan^(−1) (√(11)))))    say   θ+β=φ  ;   β=(1/2)tan^(−1) (√(11))  I=4∫((cos (φ−β)dφ)/(10−2(√3)cos (2φ)))   I =4cos β∫((cos φdφ)/(10−2(√3)+4(√3)sin^2 φ))          −4sin β∫(((−sin φ)dφ)/(10+2(√3)−4(√3)cos^2 φ))+c  −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−  I=((cos β)/( (√3)))×(√((4(√3))/(10−2(√3))))tan^(−1) [(√((4(√3))/(10−2(√3))))sin (θ+β)]     −((sin β)/( (√3)))×(1/2)(√((4(√3))/(10+2(√3))))ln ∣(((√((10+2(√3))/(4(√3))))+cos (θ+β))/( (√((10+2(√3))/(4(√3))))−cos (θ+β)))∣+c    θ=tan^(−1) (((2x+1)/( (√(11)))))  ;  β=(1/2)tan^(−1) (√(11))  ★−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−★  rough work  tan 2β=((2tan β)/(1−tan^2 β))=(√(11))  ⇒   (√(11))tan^2 β+2tan β−(√(11))=0  tan β=((2(√3)−1)/( (√(11))))  sin β=((2(√3)−1)/( (√(24−4(√3))))) = (√((2(√3)−1)/(4(√3))))  cos β= ((√(11))/( (√(4(√3)))(√(2(√3)−1))))  _____________________________  I=(((3(√2)+(√6))/(12)))tan^(−1) [(√((4(√3))/(10−2(√3))))sin φ]   −((√(3(√3)−3))/(12)) ln ∣(((√(10+2(√3)))+(√(4(√3)))cos φ)/( (√(10+2(√3)))−(√(4(√3)))cos φ))∣+c         .............................................     ∀    tan φ=(((2(√3)+1)/( (√(11)))))(((x+(√3))/( (√3)−x)))  _____________________________  rough work  tan (θ+β)=((((2x+1)/( (√(11))))+((2(√3)−1)/( (√(11)))))/(1−(((2x+1)(2(√3)−1))/(11))))    =(((√(11))(x+(√3)))/(6−(√3)−(2(√3)−1)x)) =(((√(11))(x+(√3)))/((2(√3)−1)((√3)−x)))         −−−−−−−−−−−−−−


Commented by ajfour last updated on 06/Sep/20

Isn′t  this alright ?


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 06/Sep/20

I′ll check it tomorrow


Commented by mathdave last updated on 06/Sep/20

this cant b true


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 06/Sep/20

it′s right, Sir Aifour. can you finish it?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 06/Sep/20

thank you Sir!


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