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Question Number 111957 by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 05/Sep/20

          “MATHEMATICS”                         CONTAINS          ALL THE LETTERS OF                       “ETHICS”.    IS  THERE ANY LESSON FOR US  IN ABOVE SAYING?  FOR “math-lovers”?  FOR “math-giants”?  FOR “overflow-mathematicians”?  ........  ......                     _(                              BTW this saying belongs to me)


Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

���� ����

Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 05/Sep/20

mJ^( ⧫) s Sir,  Thanks to appear in the forum   surprizingly! We′re waiting for  you to participate regularly,  because we wish to learn more  from you.We also expect that  your presence may  be some helpfull in setting   atmosphere of the forum.


Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

You mean "Her Majesty" ? ��

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

Probably, or probably not

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

�� What's up Shikari ? ��

Commented by Her_Majesty last updated on 05/Sep/20

I told you I′m not “MJS”. believe it or not.


Commented by john santu last updated on 05/Sep/20

For a “Farmer math“


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 05/Sep/20

Hello friends! I just looked in again to see what's new but it seems nothing changed... In the places where "The Truth" reigns, no jokes are allowed, no laughter is heard... I pity the citizens of those places.

Commented by bemath last updated on 05/Sep/20

hello sir. how are you?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Sep/20

Humour lies not in joy, but in  tragedy; there is no humour in  heaven.  - Mark Twain


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 05/Sep/20

Hi Sir bemath, I'm in the mood �� I hope you're well too!

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

I have come to realise that sorry for the previous ones

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

Nothing but everything Brandon ��

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

Your majesty, I haven't said the contrary.�� Just love both forms.�� ��

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

Everything was started from nothing�� And everything ends at nothing (creation of universe)��

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

This seems to be an evening full of poems.�� OK bro. We're connected ✊

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

It is 11.30 pm in India 7.00-8.00pm in France (probably)

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

I use to sleep at 3.00am (night owl)

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

Oh ! And it's 7:00PM here(GMT+1)��

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

�� 3:00AM ?!

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

I use to wake up at 10.00 am of the morning (it is not morning ����)

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

Do you have telegram account?

Commented by MJS_new last updated on 05/Sep/20

All I can tell you, this sentence had been typed by me and I'm not feeling majestic at all.

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

Hum, ��It depends on your daily program after all.

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

I do have a telegram account.��

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20

What's the username?

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

Hi Sir MJS ��

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

Same username as on this platform ��

Commented by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 05/Sep/20 this is my user name ����

Commented by Ar Brandon last updated on 05/Sep/20

noted ��

Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 05/Sep/20

Only at the moment I feel   that we′re ′social′ also(besides   being mathematition)!


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