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Question Number 112059 by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 05/Sep/20

Using the cosine  rule(c^2 =a^2 +b^2 −2abcosC), prove the  triangle inequality: if a,b and c are  sides of a triangle ABC, then a+b≥c  and explain when equality holds.  Further prove that sin α + sin β ≥  sin(α+β) for 0° ≤α,β≤180°


Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 06/Sep/20

i)From the cosine theorem we have  c^2 =b^2 +a^2 −2abcosC  ⇒a^2 +b^2 +2ab=c^2 +2abcosC+2ab  ⇒(a+b)^2 =c^2 +2ab(1+cosC)(1)  Since C is an angle of the triangle ,0<C<180°  ⇒cosC>−1⇒1+cosC>0.Hence,  c^2 +2ab(1+cosC)>c^2 (2)  From (1)(2) we infer   (a+b)^2 >c^2 ⇒a+b>c  ii)We have sin(α+β)=sinαcosβ+cosαsinβ  Since 0<α,β≤180°,sinα,sinβ>0.Also,  cosα,cosβ≤1.Hence  sinαcosβ≤sinα(3)  sinβcosα≤sinβ (4)  From (3)(4)we get sin(α+β)=  sinαcosβ+cosαsinβ≤sinα+sinβ(q.e.d)  iii)Prove sinα+sinβ≥2sin((α+β)/2)  By the convert formula for the sum  of two sine we have  sinα+sinβ=2sin((α+β)/2)cos((α−β)/2) (5)  Since 0<α<180 ,0<((α+β)/2)<90°  ⇒sin((α+β)/2)>0 .On the other hands,  cos((α−β)/2)≤1.Hence,2sin((α+β)/2)cos((α+β)/2)  ≤2sin((α+β)/2) (6).From(5)(6)we get  sinα+sinβ≥2sin((α+β)/2) (q.e.d)


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 06/Sep/20

From (1)(2)  why do we infer (a+b)^2 >c^2 . I don′t  understand please.


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 06/Sep/20

For (ii), please how did sin α + sin β ≥  sin(α+β) change into sin α + sin β  ≥2sin((α+β)/2)


Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 06/Sep/20

I wrote a mistake and corrected


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 06/Sep/20

I don′t get. What′s the mistake?


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 06/Sep/20

Oh. Thanks. But do I need (iii) ?


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