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Question Number 112454 by bemath last updated on 08/Sep/20

(1) find the locus ∣z−z_1 ∣ = 2 meets  the positive real axis  (2)On a single Argand diagram, sketch  the loci → { ((∣z−z_1 ∣=2)),((arg(z−z_2 )=(π/4))) :}


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 08/Sep/20

(2) we cannot scetch the loci if we don′t know  any coordinates.  ∣z−z_1 ∣=2 is the equations of all circles with  radius 2  arg (z−z_2 ) =(π/4) is any straight line with slope 45°  let z−z_2 =re^(iθ)  ⇒ arg re^(iθ)  =θ ⇒ θ=(π/4)  arg ((x−p)+(y−q)i) =(π/4)  leads to y=x−p+q


Answered by MJS_new last updated on 08/Sep/20

(1)  assuming z_1  is given and z is variable we have  z_1 =p+qi ∧ z=x+yi  ∣z−z_1 ∣=2  ∣(x−p)+(y−q)i∣=2  (√((x−p)^2 +(y−q)^2 ))=2  both sides are ≥0 ⇒ we are allowed to square  (x−p)^2 +(y−q)^2 =4  which is a circle with center  ((p),(q) )  and radius 4  if it meets the positive real axis depends on  the values if p and q  −2≤q≤2 ⇒ it meets the real axis  p>2 ⇒ it meets the positive real axis  we find the intersection point(s) putting  y=0  (x−p)^2 +q^2 =4  ⇒ x=p±(√(4−q^2 )) with p>2∧−2≤q≤2


Commented by bemath last updated on 08/Sep/20

thank you sir


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