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Question Number 112797 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 09/Sep/20

         ....calculus...     evaluate    i:     ∫_0 ^( (π/2)) x(√( tan(x))) dx= ???   ii:∫_0 ^( ∞) ((ln(x))/(1+x^2 +x^4 ))dx =???      m.n.july 1970


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 09/Sep/20

2) I =∫_0 ^∞  ((lnx)/(x^4  +x^2  +1))dx  we use the formulae  ∫_0 ^∞ q(x)lnxdx =−(1/2)Re(ΣRes(q(z)ln^2 z)  wehave q(x) =(1/(x^4  +x^2  +1)) we considere ϕ(z)=q(z)ln^2 z ⇒  ϕ(z) =((ln^2 z)/(z^4  +z^2  +1))  polesof ϕ?  z^4  +z^2  +1 =0⇒t^2  +t +1=0 witht =z^2   Δ =1−4 =−3 ⇒t_1 =((−1+i(√3))/2)=e^((i2π)/3)  and t_2  =((−1−i(√3))/2) =e^(−((i2π)/3))   ⇒ z^4  +z^2  +1 =(t−t_1 )(t−t_2 )=(z^2 −e^((i2π)/3) )(z^2  −e^(−((i2π)/3)) )  ⇒ϕ(z) =((ln^2 z)/((z−e^((iπ)/3) )(z+e^((iπ)/3) )(z−e^(−((iπ)/3)) )(z+e^(−((iπ)/3)) )))  ⇒∫_0 ^∞ q(x)lnx dx =−(1/2)Re(Res(ϕ,e^((iπ)/3) )+Res(ϕ,−e^((iπ)/3) )+Res(ϕ,e^(−((iπ)/3)) )  +Res(ϕ,−e^(−((iπ)/3)) )}  Res(ϕ,e^((iπ)/3) ) =((ln^2 (e^((iπ)/3) ))/(2e^((iπ)/3) (2i sin(((2π)/3))))) =(((((iπ)/3))^2 )/(4i(((√3)/2)))) e^(−((iπ)/3))  =−(π^2 /9).(e^(−((iπ)/3)) /(2i(√3)))  Res(ϕ,−e^((iπ)/3) ) =((ln^2 (−e^((iπ)/3) ))/(−2e^((iπ)/3) (2isin(((2π)/3))))) =(((ln(−1)+((iπ)/3))^2 )/(−4i ((√3)/2))) e^(−((iπ)/3))   =(((iπ+((iπ)/3))^2 )/(−2i(√3))) e^(−((iπ)/3))  =−(((((4π)/3))^2 )/(−2i(√3))) e^(−((iπ)/3))  =((8π^2 )/(9i(√3))) e^(−((iπ)/3))   Res(ϕ,e^(−((iπ)/3)) ) =((ln^2 (e^(−((iπ)/3)) ))/((−2isin(((2π)/3)))(2e^(−((iπ)/3)) ))) =(((((−iπ)/3))^2 )/(−4i(((√3)/2)))) e^((iπ)/3)   =(π^2 /9) ×(e^((iπ)/3) /(2i(√3)))  Res(ϕ,−e^(−((iπ)/3)) ) =((ln^2 (−e^(−((iπ)/3)) ))/(−2e^(−((iπ)/3)) (−2isin(((2π)/3))))) =(((iπ−((iπ)/3))^2 )/(4i×((√3)/2))) e^((iπ)/3)   =−(((((2π)/3))^2 )/(2i(√3))) e^((iπ)/3)  =−((2π^2 )/9) .(e^((iπ)/3) /(i(√3))) ⇒  Σ Res(ϕ a_l )=−(π^2 /(18i(√3))) e^(−((iπ)/3))  +((8π^2 )/(9i(√3))) e^(−((iπ)/3))  +(π^2 /(18i(√3))) e^((iπ)/3)  −((2π^2 )/(9i(√3))) e^((iπ)/3)   =(π^2 /(18i(√3)))(2i sin((π/3))) −((iπ^2 )/(18(√3))){(1/2) +i((√3)/2)}+2i(π^2 /(9(√3))){(1/2)+((i(√3))/2)}  =(π^2 /(9(√3)))(((√3)/2)) −((iπ^2 )/(36(√3))) +(π^2 /(36)) +((2iπ^2 )/(18(√3)))−(π^2 /9) ⇒  Re(Σ Res)=(π^2 /(18)) +(π^2 /(36))−(π^2 /9) =((2π^2 +π^2 −4π^2 )/(36)) =−(π^2 /(36)) ⇒  −(1/2)Re(Σ Res(ϕ..)) =(π^2 /(72)) ⇒∫_0 ^∞   ((lnx)/(x^4  +x^2  +1))dx =(π^2 /(72))


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 10/Sep/20

thank you very much mr  max.grateful..


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 09/Sep/20

1) A =∫_0 ^(π/2) x(√(tanx))dx   we do the changement (√(tanx))=t ⇒tanx =t^2   ⇒x =arctan(t^2 ) ⇒A =∫_0 ^∞ t  ((arctan(t^2 ))/(1+t^4 )) (2t)dt  =∫_0 ^∞   (t^2 /(1+t^4 )) arctan(t^2 )dt =(1/2)∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  ((t^2  arctan(t^2 ))/(t^4  +1)) dt let  w(z) =((z^2  arctan(z^2 ))/(z^4  +1))  poles of w!  W(z) =((z^2  arctan(z^2 ))/((z^2 −i)(z^2  +i))) =((z^2  arctan(z^2 ))/((z−e^((iπ)/4) )(z+e^((iπ)/4) )(z−e^(−((iπ)/4)) )(z+e^(−((iπ)/4)) )))  residus theorem give  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  w(z)dz =2iπ{ Res(w,e^((iπ)/4) )+Res(w,−e^(−((iπ)/4)) )}  Res(w,e^((iπ)/4) ) =((i arctan(i))/(2e^((iπ)/4) (2i))) =(1/4) arctan(i)e^(−((iπ)/4))   Res(w,−e^(−((iπ)/4)) ) =((−i arctan(−i))/((−2i)(−2e^(−((iπ)/4)) ))) =(1/4) arctan(i)e^((iπ)/4)  ⇒  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  w(z)dz =2iπ{(1/4) arctan(i)e^(−((iπ)/4))  +(1/4) arctani e^((iπ)/4) }  =((iπ)/2) arctan(i)(2cos((π/4))) =iπ arctan(i)×((√2)/2)  =((iπ(√2))/2) arctan(i) =2A ⇒ A =((iπ(√2))/4) arctan(i)  rest to find arctan(i)! continued....


Commented by mathmax by abdo last updated on 10/Sep/20

sorry A =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  ((t^2  arctan(t^2 ))/(t^4  +1)) dt ⇒ A =((iπ(√2))/2) arctan(i)


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