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Question Number 112809 by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 09/Sep/20

Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 11/Sep/20

Suppose the perimeter of race track is S  then the time they meet from  the  start is (S/((9+8)))(s)=(S/(17))(s)  The length of path two athlietes  traveled from  the start until they   meet first time  at A in turn equal to  m.S and n.S respectively.Since the  time and velocity are both proportional  quantities,we have:((mS)/8)=((nS)/9)(m,n∈N)  ⇔(n/m)=(9/8)⇔n=9,m=8.That means   when they first time meet at A   athliete moving with velocity 9m/s  traveled the path equal to 9S(m) and  athliete moving with velocity 8m/s  traveled the path equal to 8S(m)  and thus,the time each of them  traveled in the time equal to S(s)  Since the time required for a meeting   of two persons is (S/(17))(s),number of times   they met excluding the start and finish  equal to S:(S/(17))−1=16(times)  Answer:T hey met 16 times from  the start at A untill they meet first   time at A again excluding the start  and finish


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 10/Sep/20

This is not part of the options I have  here. Please check your solution  again. Thanks.


Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 10/Sep/20

I don′t understand what you want  say?Perhaps,it should be corrected  as above.Thank you


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 10/Sep/20

The question is an objective question,  there are four options; one of which  is the answer. So, I′m trying to say  that 18 or 19 is not part of the 4  options. ⇒ 18 or 19 cannot be the  answer.


Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 11/Sep/20

I think I answered correctly  requirement of question.From the    start untill they meet first time at  A then they met 17 times and last  times at A Hence if excluding the start  then they met total 17+1=18 times


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 11/Sep/20

Well, 17 is part of the options.


Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 11/Sep/20

You don′t note last parr of question?


Commented by Aina Samuel Temidayo last updated on 11/Sep/20

I don′t really understand you.


Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 11/Sep/20

Excuse me .It need must be 17−1=16  I think 16 is correct answer because of  last meeting  time at A need must be  excluded(i mistaked“ including ”and  “excluding ”in English)


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