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Question Number 114326 by 1549442205PVT last updated on 18/Sep/20

a)Find a four−digit number that  satisfies the following condition:  the sum of the squares of the extreme digits  is equal to 13;the sum of the squares of  the middle digits is equal to 85;if we  substract 1089 from the desired  number we obtain a number containing  the same digits as the desired number  but in reverse order.  b)Prove that if the sum k+m+n of   three natural numbers is divisible by   6 then k^3 +m^3 +n^3  is also  divisible by6


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 18/Sep/20

Counter example  6 ∣ (1+2+3) but 6 ∤ (1^2 +2^2 +3^2 )


Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 18/Sep/20

Thank Sir.Exuse me,typo.I corrected


Answered by mr W last updated on 18/Sep/20

[abcd]  a^2 +d^2 =13 ⇒(a,d)=(2,3) or (3,2)  b^2 +c^2 =85 ⇒(b,c)=(9,2) or (2,9) or (6,7) or (7,6)  [abcd]−1089=[dcba]  ⇒a>d ⇒a=3, d=2  [3bc2]−1089=[2cb3]  3000+100b+10c+2−1089=2000+100c+10b+3  ⇒b=c+1 ⇒b=7, c=6  ⇒the number is 3762.


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 18/Sep/20

You′re faster sir!


Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Sep/20

sorry sir! i give too less explanation.


Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Sep/20

can you comfirm Q113710 sir?


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 18/Sep/20

Sorry sir I can′t.


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 18/Sep/20

I think your answer is more  algebraic-based.Whereas my  answer somewhat more depends on  trial.So I like yours!


Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Sep/20

thanks sir!


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 18/Sep/20

Reauired number: abcd  a^2 +d^2 =13.......(i)  b^2 +c^2 =85.........(ii)  abcd−1089=dcba.....(iii)  dcba<abcd⇒d<a  a^2 +d^2 =13 ∧ d<a⇒a^2 =9∧d^2 =4  ⇒a=3 ∧ d=2  The number is now 3bc2  b^2 +c^2 =85  85 is the sum of 81 and 4 (square  or 36 and 49 ((square numbers)  So {b,c}={2,9} or {6,7}  The number may be  3922 or 3292 or 3672 or 3762  Applying condition(iii)  The number is 3762


Answered by MJS_new last updated on 18/Sep/20

6∣(k+m+n)  k+m+n=6x  k=6x−m−n  k^3 +m^3 +n^3 =  =18x(12x^2 −6(m+n)x+(m+n)^2 )−3mn(m+n)  6∣(18x(12x^2 −6(m+n)x+(m+n)^2 ))  we need to show 6∣(3mn(m+n))  ⇔ 2∣mn(m+n)  easy to see this is true if 2∣m ∨ 2∣n  and if both m, n are uneven 2∣(m+n)  ⇒ proved


Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 20/Sep/20

Thank all Sirs  a)Denote the number we need find by  mnpq^(−) .From the hypothesis we have  m^2 +q^2 =13=3^2 +2^2 ⇒mq^(−) ∈{32,23}  n^2 +q^2 =85=9^2 +2^2 =7^2 +6^2 ⇒np^(−) ∈{92,29,76,67}  From the condition mnpq^(−) −1089=qpnm^(−)   ⇔mnpq^(−) −qpnm^(−) =1089⇒m=3,q=2  we hav mnpq^(−) ∈{3922,3292,3762,3672}  Hence,3np2^(−) −2pn3^(−) =1089.This gives  us np^(−) =76⇒mnpq^(−) =3762  b)Applying the identity  a^3 +b^3 +c^3 −3abc=(a+b+c)(a^2 +b^2 +c^2 −ab−bc−ca)  we have:  k^3 +m^3 +n^3 =3mnk+(k+m+n)(k^2 +m^2   +n^2 −km−kn−mn)  From the hypothesis m+n+k⋮6  ⇒m+n+k=6p(p∈Z)⇒among three  numbers m,n,k at least one number  is even (since  if all three numbers  are odd then m+n+k is odd then  m+n+k isn′t divisible by 2,so isn′t  divisible by 6)  ⇒3mnk⋮6,but m+n+k⋮6  ⇒m^3 +n^3 +k^3 ⋮6(Q.E.D)


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