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Question Number 114347 by mohammad17 last updated on 18/Sep/20

 if (x^2 −(h+1)x+6i−6=0) then find the value of h  if you know that one of the roots of the equation is three   times the square of the other root   (h∈ complex number)


Answered by Olaf last updated on 18/Sep/20

Two roots z_1  and z_2  with z_1  = 3z_2 ^2   z_1 z_2  = (c/a) = ((6i−6)/1) = −3(√2)e^(−i(π/4)) = 3(√2)e^(i((3π)/4))   3z_2 ^3  = 3(√2)e^(i((3π)/4))   z_2 ^3  = (√2)e^(i((3π)/4))   ⇒ z_2  = 2^(1/6) e^(i(π/4))  or 2^(1/6) e^(i((11π)/(12)))  or 2^(1/6) e^(i((19π)/(12)))   and z_1  = 3.2^(1/6) e^(i(π/2))  or 3.2^(1/6) e^(i((11)/6))  or 3.2^(1/6) e^(i((19π)/6))   z_1 +z_2  = −(b/a) = h+1  ⇒ h = z_1 +z_2 −1  h = 2^(1/6) (3e^(i(π/2)) +e^(i(π/4)) −1) = 2^(1/6) ((1/( (√2)))−1+i((1/( (√2)))+3))  h = 2^(1/6) (3e^(i((11π)/6)) +e^(i((11π)/(12))) −1)  h = 2^(1/6) (3e^(i((19π)/6)) +e^(i((19π)/(12))) −1)


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 19/Sep/20

good method but −6+6i=6(√2)e^((3iπ)/4)   3z_2 ^3 =6(√2)e^((3iπ)/4)  ⇒ z_2 = { ((1+i)),((w(1+i))),((w^2 (1+i))) :} with w=−(1/2)+((√3)/2)i


Commented by mohammad17 last updated on 19/Sep/20

thank you sir but now whats the value of (h)  can you solve this question in details please?


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 19/Sep/20

z_1 =3z_2 ^2 = { ((6i)),((6w^2 i)),((6w^4 i=6wi)) :}  z_1 +z_2 =h+1 ⇔ h=z_1 +z_2 −1= { ((7i)),((−((3−5(√3))/2)−((7−(√3))/2)i)),((−((3+5(√3))/2)−((7+(√3))/2)i)) :}


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