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Question Number 114722 by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 20/Sep/20

a_n (d^n Ψ/dt^n )+a_(n−1) (d^(n−1) Ψ/dt^(n−1) )+.....+a_1 (dΨ/dt)+a_0 Ψ=0  Is it solvable???


Answered by Olaf last updated on 21/Sep/20

Only in special cases.  Not in the general case  because you need to know  the roots of the polynomial  Σ_(k=0) ^n a_k x^k


Answered by aleks041103 last updated on 21/Sep/20

Not in least not analyticaly:  let ψ=e^(rt)  be a solution  then  Σ_(i=0) ^n a_i (d^i ψ/dt^i )=0  Σ_(i=0) ^n a_i r^i e^(rt) =(Σ_(i=0) ^n a_i r^i )e^(rt) =0  since e^(rt) ≠0, then  Σ_(i=0) ^n a_i r^i =0  this is a polynomial of degree n and  by the fundamental theory of algebra  it has n complex solutions which we  will denote with r_1 , r_2 , ... r_n .  Because the ODE is linear, then any  linear combination of the n possible  solutions will be a solution:  Ψ=Σ_(k=1) ^n A_k e^(r_k t)   In general an ODE of degree n, that  is it has an n−th derivative, will,  figiratively said, need to be integrated  n times, which means that in the end  we will end up with n constants of  integration   Since our solution also has n constants  then our solution is the general solution.  To recap:  Σ_(i=0) ^n a_i (d^i Ψ/dt^i )=0 ⇒ Ψ=Σ_(k=1) ^n A_k e^(r_k t) ,  where for ∀k=1, ... n, Σ_(i=0) ^n a_i r_k ^i =0   and the constants A_k  are fixed using  the initial(or possibly bondary)  conditions.


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