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Question Number 115408 by mr W last updated on 25/Sep/20

how many 6 digit numbers exist  which are divisible by 11 and have no  repeating digits?


Answered by Olaf last updated on 26/Sep/20

N = a_5 a_4 a_3 a_2 a_1 a_0   A number is divisible by 11 if the sum  of its even−numbered digits  substracted from the sum of its   odd−numbered digits is zero  or a multiple of 11.  N = a_0 +10a_1 +10^2 a_2 +10^3 a_3 +10^4 a_4 +10^5 a_5   N = a_0 +(1×11−1)a_1 +(9×11+1)a_2   +(91×11−1)a_3 +(909×11+1)a_4 +(9091×11−1)a_5   ⇒ N = (a_0 −a_1 +a_2 −a_3 +a_4 −a_5 )+11p  with p∈Z  ⇒ N is divisible by 11 if  a_0 −a_1 +a_2 −a_3 +a_4 −a_5  ≡ 0 [11]  (a_0 +a_2 +a_4 )−(a_1 +a_3 +a_5 ) ≡ 0 [11]  ... to be continued.


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Sep/20

thanks so far sir!  seems to be a tough task, since we  have C_6 ^(10) =210 ways to select 6 digits!


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