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Question Number 115943 by A8;15: last updated on 29/Sep/20

Commented by A8;15: last updated on 29/Sep/20

thanks sir

Commented by mathdave last updated on 29/Sep/20

Commented by mathdave last updated on 29/Sep/20

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 06/Sep/21

great sir


Answered by TANMAY PANACEA last updated on 29/Sep/20

f(x)=(1/(((√5) −cosx)^3 ))  f(0)=(1/(((√5) −1)^3 ))  f(π)=(1/(((√5) +1)^3 ))  (1/(((√5) −1)^3 ))>f(x)>(1/(((√5) +1)^3 ))  ∫_0 ^π (dx/(((√5) −1)^3 ))>∫_0 ^π (dx/(((√5) −cosx)^3 ))>∫_0 ^π (dx/(((√5) +1)^3 ))  (π/(((√5) −1)^3 ))>I>(π/(((√5) +1)^3 ))


Commented by A8;15: last updated on 29/Sep/20

thanks sir

Answered by maths mind last updated on 29/Sep/20

∫_0 ^π (dx/(((√5)−cos(x))^3 ))=∫_0 ^π (dx/(((√5)+cos(x))^3 ))  ⇒∫_0 ^π (dx/(((√5)−cos(x))^3 ))=(1/2)∫_0 ^(2π) (dx/(((√5)+cos(x))^3 ))  cos(x)=((e^(ix) +e^(−ix) )/2)  =(1/2)∫_0 ^(2π) ((8e^(3ix) )/(((√5)e^(ix) +e^(2ix) +1)^3 ))dx  z=e^(ix) ⇒dz=ie^(ix) dx  =(4/i)∫_C (z^2 /((z^2 +(√5)z+1)^3 )),C unite circl  =(4/i)∫_C (z^2 /((z−(((−(√5)−1)/2))_(=z_1 ) )(z−(((−(√5)+1)/2))_(=z_2 ) )))  =only ((−(√5)+1)/2)∈C  =8πRes((z^2 /((z−z_1 )^3 (z−z_2 )^3 ))∣_z_2  )

0πdx(5cos(x))3=0πdx(5+cos(x))30πdx(5cos(x))3=1202πdx(5+cos(x))3cos(x)=eix+eix2=1202π8e3ix(5eix+e2ix+1)3dxz=eixdz=ieixdx=4iCz2(z2+5z+1)3,CunitecirclMissing \left or extra \right=only5+12C=8πRes(z2(zz1)3(zz2)3z2)

Commented by A8;15: last updated on 29/Sep/20


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 29/Sep/20

let f(a) =∫_0 ^π  (dx/(a−cosx))  with a>1 we havef^′ (a)=−∫_0 ^π (dx/((a−cosx)^2 ))  and f^((2)) (a) =∫_0 ^π   ((2(a−cosx))/((a−cosx)^4 )) dx =2∫_0 ^π  (dx/((a−cosx)^3 ))  ⇒∫_0 ^π  (dx/(((√5)−cosx)^3 )) =(1/2)f^((2)) ((√5))  let explicit f(a)  changement t =tan((x/2))give f(a) =∫_0 ^∞    ((2dt)/((1+t^2 )(a−((1−t^2 )/(1+t^2 )))))  =2∫_0 ^∞   (dt/(a+at^2 −1+t^2 )) =2 ∫_0 ^∞   (dt/((a+1)t^2 +a−1))  =(2/((a+1)))∫_0 ^∞   (dt/(t^2 +((a−1)/(a+1)))) =_(t =(√((a−1)/(a+1)))u)   (2/(a+1)).((a+1)/(a−1))∫_0 ^∞  (1/(1+u^2 ))((√(a−1))/(√(a+1)))du  =(2/(√(a^2 −1)))×(π/2) =(π/(√(a^2 −1))) ⇒f^′ (a) =π{(a^2 −1)^(−(1/2)) }^((1))   =π(−(1/2)(2a)(a^2 −1)^(−(3/2)) )=−πa(a^2 −1)^(−(3/2))   ⇒f^(′′) (a) =−π{ (a^2 −1)^(−(3/2))  +a(−(3/2))(2a)(a^2 −1)^(−(5/2)) }  =−π{(a^2 −1)^(−(3/2)) −3a^2 (a^2 −1)^(−(5/2)) }⇒  f^(′′) ((√5)) =−π{ 4^(−(3/2)) −15(4)^(−(5/2)) }  =−(π/4^(3/2) ) +((15π)/4^(5/2) ) =−(π/8) +((15π)/(32)) =((−4π +15π)/(32)) =((11π)/(32)) ⇒  ∫_0 ^π  (dx/(((√5)−cosx)^3 )) =((11π)/(64))


Answered by MJS_new last updated on 30/Sep/20

∫_0 ^π (dx/((a−cos x)^3 ))=       [t=tan (x/2) → dx=((2dt)/(t^2 +1))]  =(2/((a+1)^3 ))∫_0 ^∞ (((t^2 +1)^2 )/((t^2 +((a−1)/(a+1)))^3 ))dt=       [b=((a−1)/(a+1))]  =(2/((a+1)^3 ))∫_0 ^∞ (((t^2 +1)^2 )/((t^2 +b)^3 ))dt=       [Ostrogradski]  =[−(((b−1)t((5b+3)t^2 +b(3b+5)))/(4(a+1)^3 b^2 (t^2 +b)^2 ))]_0 ^∞ +       +((3b^2 +2b+3)/(4(a+1)^3 b^2 ))∫_0 ^∞ (dt/(t^2 +b))  obviously the first part is equal to zero  ((3b^2 +2b+3)/(4(a+1)^3 b^2 ))∫_0 ^∞ (dt/(t^2 +b))=  =[((3b^2 +2b+3)/(4(a+1)^3 b^(5/2) ))arctan (t/( (√b)))]_0 ^∞ =  =((3b^2 +2b+3)/(8(a+1)^3 b^(5/2) ))π=  =((2a^2 +1)/(2(a^2 −1)^(5/2) ))π=  =((11)/(64))π


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