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Question Number 116272 by mindispower last updated on 02/Oct/20

∫_0 ^(π/2) ln(x^2 +ln^2 (cos(x)))dx=πln(ln(2))  posted Quation   not solved yet i hop someon Giv idea for  this one thank you


Answered by mathdave last updated on 03/Oct/20

solution  let consider this easy property  ∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) e^(−zt) dt=((Γ(s))/Z^s )   so let  Z=a+ib  to get  ∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) e^(−at) .e^(ibt) dt=((Γ(s))/((a+ib)^s ))..........(1)  let d conjugate(Z)=Z^− =a−ib  to get  ∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) e^(−at) .e^(ibt) dt=((Γ(s))/((a−ib)^s ))........(2)  adding (1) and (2) results to ve  ∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) e^(−at) (e^(ibt) +e^(−ibt) )dt=Γ(s)((1/((a+ib)^s ))+(1/((a−ib)^s )))  but cosz=((e^(iz) +e^(−iz) )/2)   then  2∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) cos(bt)e^(−at) dt=(((a−ib)^s +(a+ib)^s )/((a^2 +b^2 )^s ))         (from z^n =(re^(iθ) )^n  ,r^n =∣z∣^n =(a^2 +b^2 )^n ,θ=Arg(z) or Arg(z^− ),n=s)   but note z^n =∣z∣^n e^(n(Arg(z)+2kπ)i)   ,k=0,∣z∣^n =(a^2 +b^2 )^(s/2)   Arg(z) or Arg(z^− )=tan^(−1) ((b/a)) or tan^(−1)  (−(b/a))  ∵I=∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) cos(bt)e^(−at) dt=(1/2)Γ(s)•(((a^2 +b^2 )^(s/2) (e^(s.Arg(z^− )) +e^(s.Arg(z)) ))/((a^2 +b^2 )^s ))  I=((Γ(s))/((a^2 +b^2 )^(s/2) )).((e^(−stan^(−1) ((b/a))i) +e^(stan^(−1) ((b/a))i) )/2)  I=((Γ(s))/((a^2 +b^2 )^(s/2) )).cos(stan^(−1) ((b/a)))  I=∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) cos(bt)e^(−at) dt=((Γ(s)cos(stan^(−1) ((b/a))))/((a^2 +b^2 )^(s/2) ))  put b=x,a=−ln(cosx) and multiply both side by ∫_0 ^(π/2) dx  to  ve  ∫_0 ^(π/2) ∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) cos(tx)e^(tln(cosx)) dtdx=Γ(s)∫_0 ^(π/2) ((cos(stan^(−1) (−(x/(ln(cosx))))))/((x^2 +ln^2 (cosx))^(s/2) ))dx  ∫_0 ^(π/2) ((cos(stan^(−1) (−(x/(ln(cosx))))))/((x^2 +ln^2 (cosx))^(s/2) ))dx=(1/(Γ(s)))∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) ∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^t xcos(tx)dtdx  let solve  ∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^t xcos(tx)dtdx  first  note from d formular  ∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^(a−1) xcos(bx)dx=(π/(2^a a))•(1/(β(((a+b+1)/2),((a−b+1)/2))))  then  ∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^t xcos(tx)dx=(π/2^(t+1) )  ∵I=∫_0 ^(π/2) ((cos(stan^(−1) (−(x/(ln(cosx))))))/((x^2 +ln^2 (cosx))^(s/2) ))dx=(1/(Γ(s)))∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) .(π/2^(t+1) )dt          I=(π/2)•(1/(Γ(s)))∫_0 ^∞ t^(s−1) .e^(−tln2) dt=(π/2)•(1/(Γ(s)))•((Γ(s))/(ln^s (2)))=(π/(2ln^s (2)))  ∫_0 ^(π/2) ((cos(stan^(−1) (−(x/(ln(cosx))))))/((x^2 +ln^2 (cosx))^(s/2) ))dx=(π/(2ln^s (2)))  using Duis with respect to s of both side  (∂/∂s)∣_(s=0) ∫_0 ^(π/2) ((cos(stan^(−1) (−(x/(ln(cosx))))))/((x^2 +ln^2 (cosx))^(s/2) ))dx=(∂/∂s)∣_(s=0) (π/(2ln^s (2)))  ∫_0 ^(π/2) (−(1/2)ln(x^2 +ln^2 (cosx)))dx=−(π/2)ln(ln2)  ∫_0 ^(π/2) ln(x^2 +ln^2 (cosx))dx=πln(ln2)    Q.E.D  by mathdave(03/10/2020)


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 03/Oct/20

okay, nice  very nice mr dave (good  man but  a little bit sensitive)


Commented by mindispower last updated on 03/Oct/20

thank you i have not this idea  good job sir thanx again


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 06/Sep/21

great sir


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