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Question Number 116983 by Olaf last updated on 08/Oct/20

Luigi, an Italian cook, drops a spaghetti  which breaks into three pieces.  What is the probability of making a  triangle with the three pieces ?


Commented by mr W last updated on 08/Oct/20

i think it′s (1/8).


Commented by Olaf last updated on 08/Oct/20

No sir...


Commented by mr W last updated on 08/Oct/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 08/Oct/20

then (1/4)


Commented by Olaf last updated on 08/Oct/20

Yes sir ! Bravo !    If x, y and z are the 3 lenghts of  spaghetti with 0 ≤ x, y, z ≤ l this  defines an equilateral triangle in space.  The equation is x+y+z = l.  The area of this triangle (all possible  cases) is ((√3)/4)(√(2l)) = ((√6)/4)l.    But, to make a triangle with the 3  pieces we need 0 ≤ x, y, z ≤ (l/2).  This defines a second equilateral  triangle in space (all probable cases)  with an area a quarter of the first  one.


Answered by mr W last updated on 09/Oct/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 09/Oct/20

this is how i solved.  say the length of spagetti AB is 1.  it breaks randomly at point C & D  with AC=x and AD=y.  0<x, y<1  the points in square 1×1 represent   all possibilities. we only need to treat  half of all possibilities: y≥x. that is  the orange triangle area.    AC=x  CD=y−x  DB=1−y  such that the three pieces can form  a triangle, we must have  x+(y−x)>1−y ⇒ y>(1/2)   ...(i)  x+(1−y)>y−x ⇒ y−x>(1/2)   ...(ii)  (y−x)+(1−y)>x ⇒ x<(1/2)   ...(iii)  (i),(ii),(iii) mean the points in the  green triangle area.    the requested probability is  p=((area of yellow trangle)/(area of orange triangle))=(1/4)


Commented by mr W last updated on 09/Oct/20

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