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Question Number 117045 by bobhans last updated on 09/Oct/20

If x is a complex number satisfying   x^2 +x+1 = 0 , what is the value of  x^(53) +x^(52) +x^(51) +x^(50) +x^(49)  ?


Answered by john santu last updated on 09/Oct/20

we know that x^2 +x+1 = ((x^3 −1)/(x−1)) , x≠1  since x^2 +x+1= 0, implies that x^3 =1  and x≠1 . Now x^(53) +x^(52) +x^(51) +x^(50) +x^(49) =  x^(51) (x^2 +x)+x^(49) (x^2 +x+1) =  x^(51) (−1)+x^(49) (0) = −x^(51) =−(x^3 )^(17)   = −(1)^(17)  = −1


Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 09/Oct/20

P=x^(53) +x^(52) +x^(51) +x^(50) +x^(49)   =x^(53) +x^(52) +x^(51) +x^(50) +x^(49) +x^(48) −x^(48)   =x^(51) (x^2 +x+1)+x^(48) (x^2 +x+1)−x^(48)   =−x^(48) (since x^2 +x+1=0(by hypothesis))  From the hypothesis x^2 +x+1=0  we infer x=((−1±i(√3))/2)=cos120°±isin120°  Hence,by Mauvra′s formula we have  x^(48) =cos(48.120°)±isin(48.120°)  =cos(16.360°)±isin(16.360°)  =1±0=1⇒P=−x^(48) =−1


Answered by floor(10²Eta[1]) last updated on 09/Oct/20

x^2 +x+1=0⇒x^2 =−x−1  x^3 =−x^2 −x=x+1−x=1  ⇒x^(3k) =1^k =1 ∀ k∈N  x^(53) =x^(51) .x^2 =x^2   x^(52) =x^(51) .x=x  x^(51) =1  x^(50) =x^(48) .x^2 =x^2   x^(49) =x^(48) .x=x  ⇒x^(53) +x^(52) +x^(51) +x^(50) +x^(49)   =2(x^2 +x)+1=−2+1=−1


Answered by Olaf last updated on 09/Oct/20

x^2 +x+1 = 0 = ((1−x^3 )/(1−x)) ⇒ x^3  = 1  x^2 +x+1 = 0 ⇒ x+(1/x) = −1  x^(53) +x^(52) +x^(51) +x^(50) +x^(49)  =  x^(51) (x^2 +x+1+(1/x)+(1/x^2 )) =  x^(51) [(x+(1/x))^2 −2+(x+(1/x))+1] =  x^(51) (1−2−1+1) = −x^(51)  = −(x^3 )^(17)  = −1


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