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Question Number 117481 by I want to learn more last updated on 12/Oct/20

Answered by mr W last updated on 12/Oct/20

let AC=1  ((OC)/(sin 20))=((AC)/(sin (10+20)))  ⇒OC=((sin 20)/(sin 30))=2 sin 20  ((BC)/(sin 40))=((AC)/(sin (30+10+20+20)))  ⇒BC=(1/(2 cos 40))  ((BC)/(sin (x+30)))=((OC)/(sin x))  ((sin (x+30))/(sin x))=((BC)/(OC))=(1/(4 cos 40 sin 20))  cos 30+((sin 30)/(tan x))=(1/(4 cos 40 sin 20))  (1/(tan x))=((1/(2 cos 40 sin 20))−(√3))  ⇒x=80°


Commented by I want to learn more last updated on 12/Oct/20

Thanks sir. I appreciate


Commented by I want to learn more last updated on 12/Oct/20

sir, please help with  Q117480


Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 12/Oct/20

Commented by 1549442205PVT last updated on 12/Oct/20

Construct the equilateral triangle  BCD such that D lie on halfplane  with the edge being the line  AC  don′t  containing B.Then  BCD^(�) =BDC^(�) =CBD^(�) =60°.From the  hypothesis BAC^(�) =BCA^(�) =40°we get  ACD^(�) =20°,ABD^(�) =100°−60°=40°  BA=BD=BC=CD⇒ΔABD is  isosceles at B⇒BAD^(�) =BDA^(�) =70°  ⇒CAD^(�) =70°−40°=30°(∗)  Draw the ray Cx such that BCx ^(�) =30°  M=(AB)∩Cx.ThenAMC^(�) =180°−(40+70)  =70°.Suppose O′ is the point symetry  to M through BC,E=BC∩MO′then  BME^(�) =BMC^(�) −CME^(�) =70−60=10°  ⇒CBM^(�) =80°= CBO′^(�) (the property of  two symetric figures).We will prove  that O≡O′.Indeed,we have ABO^(�) =  ABC^(�) −CBO′^(�) =100−80=20°=(1/2)ABD^(�)   O′∈CO since BCO^(�) =BCO′^(�) =30°  CO′D^(�) =CO′B^(�) =70°and CDO′^(�) =CBO′^(�) =80°  (since CO′Dand CO′B are two symetric  figures through CO)⇒O′DA^(�) =ADC^(�)   −CDO′^(�) =130−80=50°.(1)  ΔBO′A=ΔBO′D(s.a.s)⇒BO′A^(�) =BO′D^(�)   =140°⇒AO′D^(�) =360−2.140=80°(2)  From (1)(2)we get O′AD^(�) =180−(50+80)  =50°⇒O′AC^(�) =50−30=20°=OAC^(�) (3)  but O′CA^(�) =10°(4).From(3)(4)we infer  O′≡O.That shows that x=CBO^(�) =80°


Commented by I want to learn more last updated on 12/Oct/20

Thanks sir, i appreciate.


Commented by I want to learn more last updated on 12/Oct/20

sir, please help with  Q117480


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