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Question Number 118419 by bramlexs22 last updated on 17/Oct/20

   ∫ ((2sin 2x)/(4cos x+sin 2x)) dx


Commented by bramlexs22 last updated on 17/Oct/20

yes...thank you all master


Answered by peter frank last updated on 17/Oct/20

 ∫ ((4sin xcos x)/(4cos x+2sinx cos x)) dx  ∫((2sin x)/(2+sin x))  .....


Commented by TANMAY PANACEA last updated on 17/Oct/20

sinx=((2t)/(1+t^2 ))    t=tan(x/2)→2dt=sec^2 (x/2)dt  ∫((2×((2t)/(1+t^2 ))×((2dt)/(1+t^2 )))/(2+((2t)/(1+t^2 ))))  ∫((8tdt)/((1+t^2 )^2 ))×((1+t^2 )/(2+2t^2 +2t))  ∫((4t(1+t^2 ))/((1+t^2 )^2 (1+t+t^2 )))dt  4∫((tdt)/((1+t^2 )(1+t+t^2 )))  4∫(((1+t+t^2 )−(1+t^2 ))/((1+t^2 )(1+t+t^2 )))dt  4∫(dt/(1+t^2 ))−4∫(dt/(t^2 +2×t×(1/2)+(1/4)+(3/4)))  4∫(dt/(1+t^2 ))−4∫(dt/((t+(1/2))^2 +(((√3)/2))^2 ))  4tan^(−1) (t)−4×(1/((((√3)/2))))tan^(−1) (((t+(1/2))/((√3)/2)))+c  put t=tan(x/2)


Commented by peter frank last updated on 18/Oct/20

thank you all


Answered by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 17/Oct/20

2∫((sinx)/(2+sinx))dx  2∫1−(2/(2+sinx))=2x−8∫(1/(2+((2t)/(1+t^2 )))).(1/(1+t^2 ))dt   ( t=tan(x/2))  =2x−4∫(1/(1+t^2 +t))dt  =2x−4∫(1/((t+(1/2))^2 +(((√3)/2))^2 ))dt  =2x−(8/( (√3)))tan^(−1) ((2t+1)/( (√3)))   +C  =2x−(8/( (√3)))tan^(−1) ((2tan(x/2)+1)/( (√3)))+C


Answered by benjo_mathlover last updated on 17/Oct/20

 solve ∫ ((2sin 2x)/(4cos x+sin 2x)) dx.  Solution:   I=∫ ((4sin xcos x)/(4cos x+2sin xcos x)) dx = ∫ ((2sin xcos x)/(2cos x+sin xcos x)) dx   I =∫ ((2sin x)/(2+sin x)) dx ; let tan ((x/2)) = z ⇒(1/2)sec^2 ((x/2)) dx = dz  or dx = 2cos^2 ((x/2)) dz   I=2∫ [ (((2z)/(1+z^2 ))/((2z^2 +2z+2)/(1+z^2 )))] ((2/(1+z^2 )))dz = 2∫ [ ((2z)/((z^2 +z+1)(z^2 +1))) ] dz  ((2z)/((z^2 +z+1)(z^2 +1))) = ((az+b)/(z^2 +z+1)) + ((cz+d)/(z^2 +1))  ⇒2z = (z^2 +1)(az+b)+(cz+d)(z^2 +z+1)  z=0⇒0 = b +d ; d =−b  z=1⇒2=2a+2b+3c+3d ; 2=2a−b+3c  z=−1⇒−2=−2a+2b−c+d ; −2=−2a+b−c  z=−2⇒−4=−10a+5b−6c+3d ; −2=−5a+b−3c  a=0; b=−2 ; c=0 ; d=2  I= 2 [−2∫ (dz/(z^2 +z+1)) + 2∫ (dz/(z^2 +1)) ]  I= 4 tan^(−1) (z)−4∫ (dz/((z+(1/2))^2 +(((√3)/2))^2 ))  second integral let z+(1/2) = ((√3)/2) tan r ⇒r = tan^(−1) (((2z+1)/( (√3))))  I_2 =−4.((√3)/2)∫ ((sec^2 r dr)/((3/4)sec^2 r)) = −(8/( (√3))) r +c  I_2 =−(8/( (√3))) tan^(−1) (((2z+1)/3))+c  Thus I= 4tan^(−1) (z)−(8/( (√3))) tan^(−1) (((2z+1)/3))+c  I=4tan^(−1) (tan ((x/2)))−(8/( (√3))) tan^(−1) (((2tan ((x/2))+1)/3)) + c   or I = 2x −(8/( (√3))) tan^(−1) (((2tan ((x/2))+1)/( (√3)))) + c


Answered by 1549442205PVT last updated on 17/Oct/20

   ∫ ((2sin 2x)/(4cos x+sin 2x)) dx =∫((4sinxcosxdx)/(2cosx(2+sinx)))  =∫((2sinxdx)/(2+sinx))=∫(2−(4/(2+sinx)))dx  =2x−4∫(dx/(2+sinx)).(1)Put tan(x/2)=t  ⇒dt=(1/2)(1+t^2 )dx  ∫(dx/(2+sinx))=∫((2dt)/((1+t^2 )(2+((2t)/(1+t^2 )))))  =∫((2dt)/(2t^2 +2t+2))=∫(dt/(t^2 +t+1))=∫(dt/((t+(1/2))^2 +(((√3)/2))^2 ))  =(2/( (√3)))tan^− (((2t+1)/( (√3))))(2).Since ∫(dx/(x^2 +a^2 ))=(1/a)tan^(−1) ((x/a))  From(1)(2)we get:     ∫ ((2sin 2x)/(4cos x+sin 2x)) dx   =2x−(8/( (√3)))tan^(−1) (((2tan(x/2)+1)/( (√3))))+C


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