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Question Number 118710 by eric last updated on 19/Oct/20

Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 19/Oct/20

M=∫_0 ^∞  ((lnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx =∫_0 ^1  ((lnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx +∫_1 ^∞  ((lnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx(→x=(1/t))  =∫_0 ^1  ((lnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx −∫_0 ^1  ((−lnt)/(1+(1/t^3 )))×(((−dt)/t^2 ))  =∫_0 ^1  ((lnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx−∫_0 ^1   ((tlnt)/(1+t^3 )) dt  we have  ∫_0 ^1  ((lnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx =∫_0 ^1 lnxΣ_(n=0) ^∞ (−1)^n x^(3n) dx =Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (−1)^n  ∫_0 ^1 x^(3n) lnx dx  U_n =∫_0 ^1  x^(3n) lnxdx =_(byparts)    [(x^(3n+1) /(3n+1))lnx]_0 ^1 −∫_0 ^1 (x^(3n) /(3n+1))dx  =−(1/((3n+1)^2 )) ⇒∫_0 ^1  ((lnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx =−Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/((3n+1)^2 ))  ∫_0 ^1  ((xlnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx =∫_0 ^1 xlnxΣ_(n=0) ^∞ (−1)^n  x^(3n) dx=Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (−1)^n ∫_0 ^1 x^(3n+1) lnx dx  V_n =∫_0 ^1  x^(3n+1) lnx dx =[(x^(3n+2) /(3n+2))lnx]_0 ^1 −∫_0 ^1 (x^(3n+1) /(3n+2))dx  =−(1/((3n+2)^2 )) ⇒∫_0 ^1  ((xlnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx =−Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/((3n+2)^2 )) ⇒  M =−Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (((−1)^n )/((3n+1)^2 )) +Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (((−1)^n )/((3n+2)^2 ))  rest calculus of those  series continued...


Commented by mathdave last updated on 19/Oct/20

let me complet the remaining part  M=−Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/((3n+1)))+Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/((3n+2)))=−Σ_(n=−∞) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/((3n+1)))  ∵M=−Σ_(n=−∞) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/((3n+1)))=−(−(π/3^2 )lim_(z→−(1/3)) (1/((2−1)!))∙(∂/∂z)(cosec(πz)))  M=(π/9)lim_(z→−(1/3)) (−πcot(πz)cosec(πz))  M=−(π^2 /9)cot(−(π/3))cosec(−(π/3))=−(π^2 /9)((2/3))=−((2π^2 )/(27))  ∵M=∫_0 ^∞ ((lnx)/(1+x^3 ))dx=−((2π^2 )/(27))    note this  Σ_(n=−∞) ^∞ (((−1)^n )/((ax+1)^n ))=−(π/a^n )lim_(z→−(1/a)) (1/((n−1)!))∙(∂^((n−1)) /∂z^((n−1)) )cosec(πz)


Answered by mnjuly1970 last updated on 19/Oct/20

 assume: f(a)=∫_0 ^( ∞) (x^a /(1+x^3 ))dx       goal : M=f ′(0)=?     euler reflection  formula...    f (a)=^(x^3 =t)  (1/3)∫_0 ^( ∞)  (t^((((a−2)/3)+1)−1) /(1+t))dt=(1/3)β(((a+1)/3) ,1−((a+1)/3))         =(1/3)Γ(((a+1)/3))Γ(1−((a+1)/3))      =(1/3)∗(π/(sin((π/3)+((πa)/3))))       ∴  f ′(a)=(π/3)∗((−(π/3)cos((π/3)+((πa)/3)))/(sin^2 ((π/3)+((πa)/3))))      ∴ M=f ′(0)=((−π^2 )/9)∗((1/2)/(3/4)) = −((2π^2 )/(27)) ✓                  ...m.n.1970...


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