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Question Number 121353 by john santu last updated on 06/Nov/20

Answered by liberty last updated on 07/Nov/20

Let x be the x−coordinate of end point   that lies on the x−axis and let the other  endpoint be (0,y). Thus there is a function  f which gives y in terms of x. Since    x^2 +y^2 =1 we have f(x)=(√(1−x^2 ))  (0≤x≤1)  and for each x , the area enclosed is   A(x)=(1/2)xf(x) = (1/2)x(√(1−x^2 ))  we need investigasi the function A  for maxima.Now A′(x)=(1/2) [ ((−x^2 )/( (√(1−x^2 ))))+(√(1−x^2 )) ]  A′(x)= −(1/2) ((2x^2 −1)/( (√(1−x^2 ))))  = 0  when x = ± ((√2)/2) . Since we are concerned  only with numbers on interval [ 0,1 ]  only x = ((√2)/2). Here A = (1/4) is maximum  area of triangle


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