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Question Number 121602 by benjo_mathlover last updated on 09/Nov/20

Answered by liberty last updated on 10/Nov/20

I=∫_0 ^(π/2)  (dx/(b^2  tan^2 x+1))  let φ=b tan x ⇒dφ=bsec^2 x dx    dx = (φ/(φ^2 +1)) dφ   I=∫_0 ^∞  ((φ dφ)/((b^2 +φ^2 )(1+φ^2 ))) = (b/(b^2 −1))∫_0 ^∞  [ (1/(1+φ^2 ))−(1/(b^2 +φ^2 )) ] dφ  I= (b/(b^2 −1)) [ tan^(−1) (φ)−tan^(−1) ((φ/b)) ]_0 ^∞   I= (b/(b^2 −1)) [ (π/2) − (π/(2b)) ]  I=(π/2) (1−(1/b))((b/(b^2 −1))) = (π/2)(((b−1)/b))((b/((b−1)(b+1))))  I= (π/(2(b+1))) .▲


Answered by Olaf last updated on 10/Nov/20

1) b = 0  I = ∫_0 ^(π/2) dx = (π/2)    2) b = ±1  I = ∫_0 ^(π/2) (dx/(1+tan^2 x))  I = ∫_0 ^(π/2) cos^2 xdx  I = ∫_0 ^(π/2) ((1+cos(2x))/2)dx  I = [(1/2)x+(1/4)sin(2x)]_0 ^(π/2)   I = (π/4)    3) General case : b ≠ 0, b ≠ ±1  u = tanx  du = (1+tan^2 x)dx = (1+u^2 )dx  I = ∫_0 ^∞ (du/((b^2 u^2 +1)(u^2 +1)))  I = (1/(b^2 −1))∫_0 ^∞ [(b^2 /(b^2 u^2 +1))−(1/(1+u^2 ))]du  I = (1/(b^2 −1))∫_0 ^∞ [(1/((1/b^2 )+u^2 ))−(1/(1+u^2 ))]du  I = (1/(b^2 −1))[barctan(bu)−arctanu]_0 ^∞   I = (1/(b^2 −1))[(b×sign(b)(π/2)−(π/2))−(b(π/4)−(π/4))]  I = (1/(b^2 −1))[(π/2)(∣b∣−1)−(π/4)(b−1)]  If b>0 :  I = (1/(b^2 −1))[(π/2)(b−1)−(π/4)(b−1)]  I = (1/(b+1))[(π/2)−(π/4)] = (π/(4(b+1)))  If b<0 :  I = (1/(b^2 −1))[(π/2)(−b−1)−(π/4)(b−1)]  I = (π/(4(b^2 −1)))[2(−b−1)−(b−1)]  I = (π/(4(b^2 −1)))(−3b−3)  I = −((3π)/(4(b−1)))


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