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Question Number 122445 by benjo_mathlover last updated on 17/Nov/20

Answered by TANMAY PANACEA last updated on 17/Nov/20

using Titu lemma  (1^2 /x)+(3^2 /y)+(5^2 /z)≥(((1+3+5)^2 )/(x+y+z))  (1^2 /x)+(3^2 /y)+(5^2 /z)≥81


Commented by TANMAY PANACEA last updated on 17/Nov/20

Commented by rs4089 last updated on 18/Nov/20

sir, thank you very much for explaination :)


Answered by Olaf last updated on 17/Nov/20

1) 1st method :  Let f(x,y) = (1/x)+(9/y)+((25)/z)  with z = 1−x−y  ⇒ f(x,y) = (1/x)+(9/y)+((25)/(1−x−y))  (∂f/∂x)(x,y) = −(1/x^2 )+((25)/((1−x−y)^2 ))  (∂f/∂y)(x,y) = −(9/y^2 )+((25)/((1−x−y)^2 ))  We solve :   { (((∂f/∂x)(x,y) = 0 = −(1/x^2 )+((25)/((1−x−y)^2 )) (1))),(((∂f/∂y)(x,y) = 0 = −(9/y^2 )+((25)/((1−x−y)^2 )) (2))) :}_   (1)−(2) : y = ±3x  but x>0, y>0 ⇒ y = 3x  With (1) :  −(1/x^2 )+((25)/((1−4x)^2 )) = 0  25x^2 −(1−4x)^2  = 0  9x^2 +8x−1 = 0  9(x+1)(x−(1/9)) = 0  x>0 ⇒ x = (1/9) ⇒ y = (1/3) ⇒ z = (5/9)  ⇒ f(x,y,z) = f((1/9),(1/3),(5/9)) = (1/(1/9))+(9/(1/3))+((25)/(5/9)) = 81  2) 2nd method  The function is symmetric with respect  to x, y = 3x, z = 5x  ⇒ x+y+z = 1 = 9x  We find x = (1/9) etc...  3) 3rd method  Let f(x,y,z) = (1/x)+(9/y)+((25)/z)  Let the constraint c(x,y,z) = x+y+z−1 = 0  Let g(x,y,z,λ) = f(x,y,z)+λc(x,y,z)  (∂g/∂x)(x,y,z,λ) = −(1/x^2 )+λ  (∂g/∂y)(x,y,z,λ) = −(9/y^2 )+λ  (∂g/∂z)(x,y,z,λ) = −((25)/z^2 )+λ  (∂g/∂λ)(x,y,z,λ) = x+y+z−1  (∂g/∂x)(x,y,z,λ) = 0 ⇒ x = (1/( (√λ)))  (∂g/∂y)(x,y,z,λ) = 0 ⇒ y = (3/( (√λ)))  (∂g/∂z)(x,y,z,λ) = 0 ⇒ z = (5/( (√λ)))  (∂g/∂λ)(x,y,z,λ) = 0 ⇒ (1/( (√λ)))+(3/( (√λ)))+(5/( (√λ)))−1 = 0  ⇒ (1/( (√λ))) = (1/9) ⇒ x = (1/9) ⇒ y = (1/3) ⇒z = (5/9)


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