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Question Number 122614 by john santu last updated on 18/Nov/20

Answered by liberty last updated on 18/Nov/20

 F=∫ (dx/( (√(x^2 +1)) (x^2 +x+1)))  By trigonometry substitution method  let x= tan θ   F = ∫ ((sec^2 θ dθ)/( (√(tan^2 θ+1)) (tan^2 θ+tan θ+1)))  F= ∫ ((sec θ dθ)/(sec^2 θ+tan θ)) = ∫ ((sec θ cos^2 θ dθ)/(1+sin θ cos θ))  F= ∫ ((cos θ dθ)/(1+sin θ cos θ)) = ∫ ((2cos θ)/(2+sin 2θ)) dθ  F=∫ (((cos θ+sin θ))/(3−(sin θ−cos θ)^2 )) + ∫(((cos θ−sin θ))/(1+(sin θ+cos θ)^2 )) dθ  now let w = cos θ+sin θ ⇒dw=(cos θ−sin θ) dθ  F= ∫ (dw/(3−w^2 ))+∫ (dw/(1+w^2 ))   F= ((√3)/6) ℓn ∣((w+(√3))/( (√3)−w)) ∣ + arctan (w) + c  F= ((√3)/6) ℓn ∣((cos θ−sin θ+(√3))/( (√3)−cos θ+sin θ)) ∣ + arctan (cos θ+sin θ)+c  F=((√3)/6) ℓn ∣((1−x+(√(3(x^2 +1))))/(x−1+(√(3(x^2 +1))))) ∣ + arctan (((x+1)/( (√(x^2 +1)))))+c .


Commented by john santu last updated on 18/Nov/20

thank you all master


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 18/Nov/20

I think you lost a “−” somewhere?


Commented by liberty last updated on 18/Nov/20

in what part sir?

Commented by MJS_new last updated on 18/Nov/20

not sure. but (d/dx)[F]=−(1/( (√(x^2 +1))(x^2 +x+1)))  if I am right


Answered by Olaf last updated on 18/Nov/20

x = sinhu  I = ∫((coshudu)/( (√(sinh^2 u+1))(sinh^2 u+sinhu+1)))  I = ∫(du/( sinh^2 u+sinhu+1))  I = ∫(du/( ((e^(2u) −2+e^(−2u) )/4)+((e^u −e^(−u) )/2)+1))  I = ∫((4du)/( e^(2u) −2+e^(−2u) +2e^u −2e^(−u) +4))  I = ∫((4du)/( e^(2u) +2e^u +2−2e^(−u) +e^(−2u) ))  I = ∫((4e^(2u) du)/( e^(4u) +2e^(3u) +2e^(2u) −2e^u +1))  Let ϕ = e^u   I = ∫((4ϕ^2 (dϕ/ϕ))/( ϕ^4 +2ϕ^3 +2ϕ^2 −2ϕ+1))  I = ∫((4ϕdϕ)/( ϕ^4 +2ϕ^3 +2ϕ^2 −2ϕ+1))  ...4 complex roots...


Answered by MJS_new last updated on 18/Nov/20

∫(dx/((x^2 +x+1)(√(x^2 +1))))=       [t=x+(√(x^2 +1)) → dx=((√(x^2 +1))/(x+(√(x^2 +1))))dt]  =4∫(t/(t^4 +2t^3 +2t^2 −2t+1))dt=  =4∫(t/((t^2 +(1−(√3))t+2−(√3))(t^2 +(1+(√3))t+2+(√3))))dt=  =((√3)/(12))∫(((t+2−(√3))/(t^2 +(1−(√3))t+2−(√3)))−((t+2+(√3))/(t^2 +(1+(√3))t+2+(√3))))dt=  =((√3)/(24))ln ((t^2 +(1−(√3))t+2−(√3))/(t^2 +(1+(√3))t+2+(√3))) +(1/4)(arctan ((1+(√3))t−1) +arctan ((1−(√3))t−1)  ...


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 18/Nov/20

A =∫  (dx/( (√(1+x^2 ))(x^2  +x+1))) we do the changement x=sht ⇒  A =∫   ((cht)/(cht(sh^2 t+sht +1)))dt =∫  (dt/(((ch(2t)−1)/2)+sh(t)+1))  =∫  ((2dt)/(ch(2t)−1+2sh(t)+2)) =∫  ((2dt)/(((e^(2t) +e^(−2t) )/2)+e^t −e^(−t) +1))  =∫ ((4dt)/(e^(2t)  +e^(−2t)  +2e^t −2e^(−t)  +2)) =_(e^t  =u)     ∫   ((4du)/(u(u^2  +u^(−2)  +2u−2u^(−1)  +2)))  =∫  ((4du)/(u^(3 )  +u^(−1)  +2u^2 −2+2u)) =∫  ((4u du)/(u^4  +1+2u^3 −2u +2u^2 ))  =∫  ((4udu)/(u^4  +2u^3 +2u^2  −2u +1))  rest decomposition of  f(u) =((4u)/(u^4  +2u^3  +2u^2 −2u +1)) continued....


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