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Question Number 123409 by Snail last updated on 25/Nov/20

x^4 +12x−5=0   show that the sum of two roots  of the equation is 2


Answered by MJS_new last updated on 25/Nov/20

x^4 +12x−5=(x^2 −2x+5)(x^2 +2x−1)    (x−a)(x−b)(x−α)(x−β)=  =(x^2 −(a+b)x+ab)(x^2 −(α+β)x+αβ)  (x^2 −(a+b)x+ab)=(x^2 −2x+5) ⇒ a+b=2  (x^2 −(α+β)x+αβ)=(x^2 +2x−1) ⇒ α+β=−2


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 25/Nov/20

the method sometimes gives exact and “nice”  solutions for  ax^4 +bx^3 +cx^2 +dx+e=0  (1) divide by a  x^4 +(b/a)x^3 +(c/a)x^2 +(d/a)x+(e/a)=0  and rename variables  x^4 +hx^3 +jx^2 +kx+l=0  (2) let x=y−(h/4)  y^4 −((3h^2 −8j)/8)y^2 +((h^3 −4hj+8k)/8)y+((h^2 j−4hk+26l)/(16))=0  rename again  y^4 +py^2 +qy+r=0  now try to find 2 square factors  y^4 +py^2 +qy+r=(y^2 −αy−β)(y^2 +αy−γ)  ⇔   { ((p=−α^2 −β−γ)),((q=−α(β−γ))),((r=βγ)) :}  now solve the 1^(st)  for γ and the 2^(nd)  for β  and insert both into the 3^(rd)   ⇒   { ((γ=−(α^2 /2)−(p/2)+(q/(2α)))),((β=−(α^2 /2)−(p/2)+(q/(2α)))),((r=(α^4 /4)+((pα^2 )/2)+(p^2 /4)−(q^2 /(4α^2 ))=0)) :}  transform the 3^(rd)   α^6 +2pα^4 +(p^2 −4r)α^2 −q^2 =0  let α=(√t)  t^3 +2pt^2 +(p^2 −4r)t−q^2 =0  let t=z−((2p)/3)  z^3 −((p^2 +12r)/3)z−((2p^3 +72pr+27q^2 )/(27))=0  if this has at least one “nice” solution ∈R,  that′s fine; if not, better solve approximately  remember we must go back to α=(√(z−((2p)/3)))  so z being not a simple number will make  things worse


Commented by Snail last updated on 25/Nov/20

  How do u know that the biquadratic will be   factorized in (x^2 −2x+5)(x^2 +2x−1)...


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 25/Nov/20

I will post the method. just give me a little  time


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