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Question Number 123452 by Eric002 last updated on 25/Nov/20

∫(dx/( (x^2 +n)(√(x^2 +a))))


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 25/Nov/20

depends on the values of a and n and their  relation...


Answered by TANMAY PANACEA last updated on 25/Nov/20

t^2 =((x^2 +a)/(x^2 +n))  t^2 x^2 +t^2 n=x^2 +a  x^2 (t^2 −1)=a−t^2 n  x^2 =((a−t^2 n)/(t^2 −1))  2xdx=(((t^2 −1)(−2tn)−(a−t^2 n)(2t))/((t^2 −1)^2 ))dt  2xdx=((−2t^3 n+2tn−2at+2t^3 n)/((t^2 −1)^2 ))dt=((2t(n−a))/((t^2 −1)^2 ))dt  xdx=((t(n−a))/((t^2 −1)^2 ))dt  dx=((t(n−a))/((t^2 −1)^2 ))×(1/x)=((t(n−a))/((t^2 −1)^2 ))×((√(t^2 −1))/( (√(a−t^2 n ))))dt  x^2 +n  =((a−t^2 n)/(t^2 −1))+n=((a−t^2 n+nt^2 −n)/(t^2 −1))=((a−n)/(t^2 −1))  x^2 +a=((a−t^2 n)/(t^2 −1))+a=((a−t^2 n+at^2 −a)/(t^2 −1))=((t^2 (a−n))/(t^2 −1))  ∫(dx/((x^2 +n)(√(x^2 +a))))  ∫((t(a−n))/((t^2 −1)^2 ))×(√(t^2 −1)) ×(1/( (√(a−t^2 n))))×((t^2 −1)/(a−n))×(1/( (√((t^2 (a−n))/(t^2 −1)))))×dt  ∫((t(a−n))/((t^2 −1)^2 ))×(t^2 −1)^2 ×(1/( (√(a−t^2 n)) ))×(1/((a−n)^(3/2) ))×(dt/t)  ∫(1/((a−n)^(1/2) ))×(dt/( (√n) ((√((a/n)−t^2 )) )))  (1/((an−n^2 )^(1/2) ))∫(dt/( (√((a/n)−t^2 ))))    (1/((an−n^2 )^(1/2) ))sin^(−1) ((t/( (√(a/n)))))+C  (1/((an−n^2 )^(1/2) ))×sin^(−1) (((√((x^2 +a)/(x^2 +n)))/( (√(a/n)))))+C  pls chk


Commented by TANMAY PANACEA last updated on 25/Nov/20

pld chk error if sny


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 25/Nov/20

what if an−n^2 ≤0 or (a/n)<0?


Answered by nueron last updated on 25/Nov/20

Commented by MJS_new last updated on 25/Nov/20

yeah. but for a=−4∧n=3 you would  probably choose a different path...


Answered by TANMAY PANACEA last updated on 25/Nov/20

x=(√a) tanθ  dx=(√a) sec^2 θdθ  ∫(((√a) sec^2 θ dθ)/((atan^2 θ+n)(√a) secθ))   ∫(dθ/(cosθ(a((sin^2 θ)/(cos^2 θ))+n)))  ∫((cosθ dθ)/(asin^2 θ+n(1−sin^2 θ)))  ∫((d(sinθ))/(n+(a−n)sin^2 θ))  (1/((a−n)))∫((d(sinθ))/( ((√(n/(a−n)))  )^2 +sin^2 θ))  (1/((a−n)))×((√(a−n))/( (√n)))tan^(−1) (((sinθ)/( (√(n/(a−n))))))+C  (1/( (√n) ×(√(a−n))))×tan^(−1) (((x/( (√(a+x^2 ))))/( (√(n/(a−n))))))+C


Answered by Bird last updated on 25/Nov/20

I =∫  (dx/((x^2 +n)(√(x^2 +a))))  a>0 we do the changement  x=(√a)sh(t) ⇒  I=∫  (((√a)ch(t))/( (√a)ch(t)(ash^2 t +n)))dt  =∫   (dt/(ash^2 t +n)) =∫ (dt/(a.((ch(2t)−1)/2)+n))  =∫  ((2dt)/(ach(2t)−a+2n))  =∫  ((2dt)/(a((e^(2t) +e^(−2t) )/2)+2n−a))  =∫ ((4dt)/(a(e^(2t)  +e^(−2t) )+4n−2a))  =_(e^(2t)  =u)     4 ∫   (du/(2u{au+au^(−1) +4n−2a}))  =2 ∫   (du/(au^2 +a+(4n−2a)u))  =2∫  (du/(au^(2 ) +(4n−2a)u+a))  Δ^′  =(2n−a)^2 −a^2   =4n^2 −4na =4n(n−a)  if n<a  ⇒Δ^′ <0 ⇒  au^2  +(4n−2a)u +a  =a{u^2  +2(((2n−a))/a))u +(((2n−a)^2 )/a^2 )  +a−(((2n−a)^2 )/a^2 )}  =a{(u+((2n−a)/a))^2  +((a^3 −(2n−a)^2 )/a^2 )}  in this case we do the changement  u+((2n−a)/a)=(√((a^3 −(2n−a)^2 )/a^2 ))z)  if n>a  Δ^′  >0 ⇒u_1 =((a−2n+2(√(n^2 −na)))/a)  u_2 =((a−2n−2(√(n^2 −na)))/a)  ⇒I =(2/a)∫  (du/((u−u_1 )(u−u_2 )))  =(2/(a(u_1 −u_2 )))∫  ((1/(u−u_1 ))−(1/(u−u_2 )))du  =(2/(a(u_1 −u_2 )))ln∣((u−u_1 )/(u−u_2 ))∣ +c  u=e^(2t)  snd t=argsh((x/( (√a))))   =ln((x/( (√a)))+(√(1+(x^2 /a))))  =ln(((x+(√(a+x^2 )))/( (√a)))) ⇒  u=(((x+(√(a+x^2 )))/( (√a))))^2 ....


Commented by Bird last updated on 25/Nov/20

if a<0 we do the changement  x=(√(−a))ch(t)


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