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Question Number 124170 by Pengu last updated on 01/Dec/20

  I am learning linear algebra and have a  qustion in regards to nullspace.     So, Ax=0.  If A= [(1,1),(0,0) ], this is simply solved for  x= [(x_1 ),(x_2 ) ]  by:   [(1,1,0),(0,0,0) ]→x= [((−1)),(1) ]c, ∀c∈R  Since this is for all x∈R^2 , the null space  falls on a line (in this case).     My question is, in higher dimensions,  can the null space be any dimension up  to the dimension n? So, in R^4 , can the  null space be a point, line, plane, or volume?  Furthermore, can you have multiple variations  of planes, points, etc. that make up the null space?     Thanks!


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