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Question Number 124878 by mr W last updated on 06/Dec/20

20 students should stand in 5  different rows. each row should have  at least 2 students. in how many ways  can you arrange them?


Answered by liberty last updated on 07/Dec/20

(1) [ −_2 ^R_1  , −_2 ^R_2   , −_2 ^R_3   , −_2 ^R_4   , −_(12) ^R_5   ] ⇒ ((5!)/(4!))×P_2 ^( 20) ×P_2 ^( 18) ×P_2 ^( 16) ×P_2 ^( 14) ×12!   (2) [ (R_1 /2),(R_2 /2),(R_3 /2),(R_4 /3),(R_5 /(11)) ] ⇒((5!)/(3!))×P_2 ^( 20) ×P_2 ^( 18) ×P_2 ^( 16) ×P_3 ^( 14) ×11!  (3) [ (R_1 /2),(R_2 /2),(R_3 /2),(R_4 /4),(R_5 /(10)) ] ⇒ ((5!)/(3!))×_(20) P_2 ×_(18) P_2 ×_(16) P_2 ×_(14) P_4 ×10!  next...


Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Dec/20

thanks for trying!  since we have 1001 cases, i don′t think  we can solve in this way. but i know  no other ways how to solve.


Answered by mindispower last updated on 07/Dec/20

sonce rher is at least 2 in row   we can use  power serie   (x^2 /(1−x)) starte withe x^2   ((x^2 /(1−x)))^5 , than find coeficient of x^(20)    (x^(10) /((1−x)^5 )),(1/(1−x))=Σx^k   ((1/(1−x)))^5 =(1/(4!)).(∂^4 /∂x^4 )((1/(1−x)))=(1/(4!)).Σ_(k≥0) (k+1)(k+2)(k+3)(k+4)x^k   (x^(10) /((1−x)^5 ))=(1/(4!))Σ_(k≥0) (k+1)(k+2)(k+3)(k+4)x^(k+10)   x^(20) hase coeficient (1/(4!)).(14)(13)(12)(11)  =(((14)!)/(4!.10!))=C_(10) ^4


Commented by mr W last updated on 07/Dec/20

you had a typo. you meant C_(14) ^4 =1001.  the difficulty is for example, if in the  first row there are 5 students. to  select 5 from 20 students there are  C_5 ^(20)  ways and to arrange these 5  students in the row there are 5! ways.


Answered by mr W last updated on 07/Dec/20

say the numbers of students in the  five rows are a,b,c,d and e.  a+b+c+d+e=20  2≤a,b,c,d,e≤12  to select a students for row 1 there  are C_a ^(20)  ways, and to arrange these  a students in row 1 there are a! ways.  the generating function for row 1 is  Σ_(a≥2) C_a ^(20) a!x^a =Σ_(a=2) ^(12) P_a ^(20) x^a   etc.  GF=(Σ_(a=2) ^(12) P_a ^(20) x^a )(Σ_(b=2) ^(12) P_b ^(20−a) x^b )(Σ_(c=2) ^(12) P_c ^(20−a−b) x^c )(Σ_(d=2) ^(12) P_d ^(20−a−b−c) x^d )(Σ_(e=2) ^(12) P_e ^e x^e )  now it is to find the coefficient of  the x^(20)  term in GF which is  Σ_(a+b+c+d+e=20_(a,b,c,d,e≥2) ) (P_a ^(20) P_b ^(20−a) P_c ^(20−a−b) P_d ^(20−a−b−c) P_e ^e )


Commented by mindispower last updated on 08/Dec/20

i see what you mean by your quation  sorry im not in english  is the place in row by somoene depend?


Commented by mr W last updated on 08/Dec/20

the five rows are distinct.


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