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Question Number 124924 by bemath last updated on 07/Dec/20

 What should the dimensions be  of a cylinder so that for a given volume   v its total surface S minimum ?


Commented by liberty last updated on 07/Dec/20

Denoting by r the radius of the base of the  cylinder and by h the altitude , we have    S = 2πr^2  + 2πrh and the volume is given   v = πr^2 h ; whence h = (v/(πr^2 ))  substituting this expression of h into the  formula for S , give S=2(πr^2 +(v/r)) ; where 0<r<∞   (dS/dr) = 2(2πr−(v/r^2 )) = 0 ⇒ r_1  = ((v/(2π)))^(1/3)   ((d^2 S/dr^2 ))_(r=r_1 ) = 2(2π+((2v)/r^3 ))_(r=r_1 ) > 0   Thus at the point r=r_1  the function S has  a minimum . Noticing that lim_(r→0)  S=∞ and  lim_(r→∞)  S = ∞, we arrive at conclusion that  at r = r_1 = ((v/(2π)))^(1/3)  then h = (v/(πr^2 ))= 2((v/(2π)))^(1/3)  = 2r


Answered by som(math1967) last updated on 07/Dec/20

let radius=r height=h  v=πr^2 h ⇒h=(v/(πr^2 ))  S=2πrh+2πr^2   S=((2v)/r) +2πr^2    (dS/dr)=−((2v)/r^2 ) +4πr  (d^2 S/dr^2 )=((4v)/r^3 ) +4π  ∴(d^2 S/dr^2 )>0 ∴S minimum for  (dS/dr)=0  ∴−((2v)/r^2 )+4πr=0  4πr^3 =2v  2πr^3 =πr^2 h  2r=h  ∴S is minimum when  Height is eqal to diameter  or  r:h=1:2


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