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Question Number 125208 by liberty last updated on 09/Dec/20

There are 12 students in a party. Five of  them are girls. In how many ways can   these 12 students be arranged in a row if   (i) there are no restrictions?  (ii) the 5 girls must be together (forming a block)?  (iii) no 2 girls are adjacent   (iv) between two particular boys A and B    , there no boys but exactly 3 girls?


Answered by john_santu last updated on 09/Dec/20

(i) 12!   (ii) 5! (7+1)! = 5! 8!  (iii) −_1  G_1  −_2 ^x  G_2  −_3 ^x G_3  −_4 ^x  G_4  −_5 ^x  G_5  −_6    = 5! 7!  (((6+3−1)),((       3)) ) = 5! 7!  ((8),(3) )  (iv) AGGGB−−−−−−−            −AGGGB−−−−−−            −−AGGGB−−−−−            −−−AGGGB−−−−            −−−−AGGGB−−−            −−−−−AGGGB−−            −−−−−−AGGGB−            −−−−−−−AGGGB   the number of ways is    = 2×8×C_3 ^( 5) ×3!×7!   =12×8! ×10 = 120×8!


Commented by liberty last updated on 09/Dec/20



Commented by malwan last updated on 16/Jan/21

please  I can′t understand number(iii)   (((6+3−1)),(3) ) what is it?6? 3?  if girls =3 and boys=6 then  what is the solution?  and what if girls=n and  boys=m ; m>n?


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