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Question Number 125572 by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/20

Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/20

If equilateral triangle ABC has  side length s=3 units, find x_A .  Parabola eq. is  y=x^2 .


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

nice question again!  i can not find an exact solution.


Answered by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

A(a,0) with a≥0  D(h,k) with D=midpoint BC  k^2 +(h−a)^2 =((3s^2 )/4)   ...(i)  eqn. of BC:  y=k−((h−a)/k)(x−h)=((a−h)/k)x+k−((h(a−h))/k)  intersection  x^2 =((a−h)/k)x+k−((h(a−h))/k)  x^2 −((a−h)/k)x−k+((h(a−h))/k)=0  x_1 +x_2 =((a−h)/k)=2h   ...(ii)  x_1 x_2 =−k+((h(a−h))/k)  (y_2 −y_1 )^2 +(x_2 −x_1 )^2 =s^2   (x_2 ^2 −x_1 ^2 )^2 +(x_2 −x_1 )^2 =s^2   [(x_2 +x_1 )^2 +1][(x_2 +x_1 )^2 −4x_1 x_2 ]=s^2   4(4h^2 +1)(h^2 +k−((h(a−h))/k))=s^2    ...(iii)  from (ii):  k=((a−h)/(2h))   ...(I)  put (I) into (i):  (((a−h)^2 )/(4h^2 ))+(a−h)^2 =((3s^2 )/4)  (1+4h^2 )(a−h)^2 =3s^2 h^2   ⇒a=h(1+s(√(3/(1+4h^2 ))))   ...(II)  put  into (iii):  ⇒2(1+4h^2 )(s(√(3/(1+4h^2 )))−2h^2 )=s^2    ...(III)    for a given s (≤4.73565) we get h from  (III) and then a from (II).


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

we see for 0<s<3.4641 there is one  possible triangle.   for 3.4641≤s≤4.73565 there are two  possible triangles.    example: s=4


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

Answered by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/20

let eq. of BC be  y=2mx+c  tan θ=2m  Intersection with parabola  x^2 −2mx−c=0  x=m±(√(m^2 +c))  midpoint D(m, 2m^2 +c)  (x_2 −x_1 )(√(1+4m^2 ))=s   ⇒  4(m^2 +c)(1+4m^2 )=s^2     ...(i)  ((s(√3))/2)((1/( (√(1+4m^2 )))))=2m^2 +c  ((s(√3))/(2(√(1+4m^2 ))))=m^2 +(s^2 /(4(1+4m^2 )))   ...(ii)  x_A =a=m+((s(√3))/2)(((2m)/( (√(1+4m^2 )))))   ...(iii)  let  1+4m^2 =t^2   now  from (ii)  2(√3)st=(t^2 −1)t^2 +s^2   ⇒   t^4 −t^2 −2(√3)st+s^2 =0     (s−(√3)t)^2 =4t^2 −t^4     s=(√3)t±(√(3t^2 +t^2 −t^4 ))    s=t((√3)+(√(4−t^2 )))    s_(max) ≈ 4.7356  Discriminant  D=12t^2 −4(t^4 −t^2 ) ≥0  ⇒  t^4 ≤4t^2   ⇒  t^2 =1+4m^2  ≤ 4  ⇒  tan θ=2m ≤ (√3)


Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/20

Sir, please help checking my  solution, our answers for s_(max)   differ.  Your solution even seems errorless  to me.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/20

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

very nice approach sir!    s=t((√3)±(√(4−t^2 )))  ⇒s_(max) =4.73565  s_(max)  is not at t=2, but at t=1.7047!    x_A =a=m+((s(√3))/2)(((2m)/( (√(1+4m^2 )))))   ...(iii)


Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/20

thank you Sir.


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/20



Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Dec/20

exact value for s_(max) :  s=t((√3)+(√(4−t^2 )))  (ds/dt)=(√3)+2(√(4−t^2 ))−(4/( (√(4−t^2 ))))=0  let x=(√(4−t^2 ))  2x^2 +(√3)x−4=0  ⇒x=(((√(35))−(√3))/4)=(√(4−t^2 ))  ⇒t=(√(4−((((√(35))−(√3))/4))^2 ))  =((√(2((√(105))+13)))/4)≈1.70466  s_(max) =(√(4−((((√(35))−(√3))/4))^2 ))((√3)+(((√(35))−(√3))/4))  =((√(2(35(√(105))+359)))/8)≈4.73565


Commented by ajfour last updated on 12/Dec/20

Wonderful, Sir, good analysis!


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