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Question Number 126363 by ajfour last updated on 19/Dec/20

x^3 −x−c=0       ;    [c<2/(3(√3))]  (Solve by a  method other than  trigonometric solution).

x3xc=0;[c<2/(33)] (Solvebyamethodotherthan trigonometricsolution).

Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 19/Dec/20

x^3 −x−c=0 let x=u+v  so e⇒(u+v)^3 −(u+v)−c=0 ⇒  u^3  +v^3  +3uv(u+v)−(u+v)−c=0 ⇒  u^3  +v^3  −c +(3uv−1)(u+v)=0 ⇒ { ((u^3  +v^3  =c)),((3uv−1=0)) :}  ⇒ { ((u^3  +v^3  =c     ⇒          { ((u^3  +v^3  =c)),((u^3 v^3  =(1/(27)))) :})),((uv=(1/3))) :}  so u^3  and v^3  are solution of  t^2 −ct +(1/(27))=0  Δ=c^2 −(4/(27)) <0 due to   c<(2/(3(√3))) ⇒t_1 =((c+i(√((4/(27))−c^2 )))/2)  t_2 =((c−i(√((4/(27))−c^2 )))/2) ⇒x=^3 (√((c+i(√((4/(27))−c^2 )))/2)) +^3 (√((c−i(√((4/(27))−c^2 )))/2))

x3xc=0letx=u+vsoe(u+v)3(u+v)c=0 u3+v3+3uv(u+v)(u+v)c=0 u3+v3c+(3uv1)(u+v)=0{u3+v3=c3uv1=0 {u3+v3=c{u3+v3=cu3v3=127uv=13 sou3andv3aresolutionoft2ct+127=0 Δ=c2427<0duetoc<233t1=c+i427c22 t2=ci427c22x=3c+i427c22+3ci427c22

Commented byMJS_new last updated on 19/Dec/20

Cardano′s solution is not valid for D<0


Commented bymathmax by abdo last updated on 20/Dec/20

why sir?


Commented byMJS_new last updated on 20/Dec/20

x^3 +px+q=0; D=(p^3 /(27))+(q^2 /4)  if D<0 we have 3 real roots we cannot find  using Cardano. see below article

x3+px+q=0;D=p327+q24 ifD<0wehave3realrootswecannotfind usingCardano.seebelowarticle

Commented byMJS_new last updated on 20/Dec/20

Commented byMJS_new last updated on 20/Dec/20

don′t get confused, in this article Δ is not  equal to the D I use. still it′s true. you cannot  reduce the complex number to its real value  ⇒ the solution is possible to write down but  impossible to use

dontgetconfused,inthisarticleΔisnot equaltotheDIuse.stillitstrue.youcannot reducethecomplexnumbertoitsrealvalue thesolutionispossibletowritedownbut impossibletouse

Commented bymr W last updated on 20/Dec/20

that′s the point!  certainly we can express the roots  using cardano′s formula using   complex numbers, but to calculate  the real values out from the formula,  we must at the end come to the  trigonometric expression form.  therefore cardano′s formula is not  really useful in this case.

thatsthepoint! certainlywecanexpresstheroots usingcardanosformulausing complexnumbers,buttocalculate therealvaluesoutfromtheformula, wemustattheendcometothe trigonometricexpressionform. thereforecardanosformulaisnot reallyusefulinthiscase.

Commented bymathmax by abdo last updated on 20/Dec/20

nevermind thank you sir


Commented byTawa11 last updated on 23/Jul/21



Answered by ajfour last updated on 19/Dec/20

x=t+h  ⇒  t^3 +3ht^2 +(3h^2 −1)t+h^3 −h−c=0  let  t=p  be also a root.   ⇒  t^4 +(3h−p)t^3 +(3h^2 −1−3ph)t^2   +[h^3 −h−c−p(3h^2 −1)]t  −p(h^3 −h−c)=0  lets add to it  qt{t^3 +3ht^2 +(3h^2 −1)t+h^3 −h−c}=0  ⇒  (1+q)t^4 +(3h−p+3qh)t^3 +  [3h^2 −1−3ph+q(3h^2 −1)]t^2 +  [h^3 −h−c−p(3h^2 −1)+q(h^3 −h−c)]t  −p(h^3 −h−c)=0  Now let  3ph=(1+q)(3h^2 −1);[coeff. of t^2 =0]  ⇒ 3ht^4 +(6h^2 +1)t^3 +  [3h(h^3 −h−c)−(3h^2 −1)^2 ]t  −(3h^2 −1)(h^3 −h−c)=0  let   h^3 +mh−c=0   ⇒    h^3 −h−c=−(m+1)h     ⇒      3ht^4 +(6h^2 +1)t^3       −[(3h^2 −1)^2 +3(m+1)h^2 ]t      +(m+1)h(3h^2 −1)=0    ⇒  ......

x=t+h t3+3ht2+(3h21)t+h3hc=0 lett=pbealsoaroot. t4+(3hp)t3+(3h213ph)t2 +[h3hcp(3h21)]t p(h3hc)=0 letsaddtoit qt{t3+3ht2+(3h21)t+h3hc}=0 (1+q)t4+(3hp+3qh)t3+ [3h213ph+q(3h21)]t2+ [h3hcp(3h21)+q(h3hc)]t p(h3hc)=0 Nowlet 3ph=(1+q)(3h21);[coeff.oft2=0] 3ht4+(6h2+1)t3+ [3h(h3hc)(3h21)2]t (3h21)(h3hc)=0 leth3+mhc=0 h3hc=(m+1)h 3ht4+(6h2+1)t3 [(3h21)2+3(m+1)h2]t +(m+1)h(3h21)=0 ......

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