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Question Number 126780 by TITA last updated on 24/Dec/20

Commented by TITA last updated on 24/Dec/20

pleaae help


Answered by physicstutes last updated on 24/Dec/20

Sir please type your questions next time  they are really bad for the eyes.    Solution   Fibonacci sequence =  { ((F_(n+1)  = F_n  + F_(n−1) )),((F_1  = F_2  = 1,)) :} ∀ n ∈ N , n≥ 2  (a) F_3  = F_2 + F_1  = 1 + 1 = 2         F_4  = F_3  + F_2  = 2 + 1 = 3         F_5  = F_4  + F_3  = 3 + 2 = 5  now gcd (2,3,5) = 1 ⇒  F_3 ,F_4 and F_5  are relatively prime.   (b) we have proven for n = 3 and n = 4  ⇒ n = k    gcd (F_k , F_(k+1) ) = 1  prove for n=k+1 ⇒ gcd (F_(k+1) , F_(k+2) ) = 1  since gcd(F_(k+1) ,F_(n+1) +F_1 ) = 1.


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