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Question Number 127468 by bramlexs22 last updated on 30/Dec/20

 ∫_0 ^( ∞)   ((x^3  sin (λx))/(x^4 +4)) dx =?


Commented by bramlexs22 last updated on 30/Dec/20

thank you both sir


Answered by Olaf last updated on 30/Dec/20

Let g(λ,x) = ((x^3 sin(λx))/(x^4 +4))  Let f(λ) = ∫_0 ^∞ g(λ,x)dx (1)  f′(λ) = ∫_0 ^∞ (∂g/∂λ)(λ,x)dx = λ∫_0 ^∞ ((x^3 cos(λx))/(x^4 +4))dx  f′′(λ) = ∫((x^3 cos(λx))/(x^4 +4))dx−λ^2 ∫_0 ^∞ ((x^3 sin(λx))/(x^4 +4))dx  f′′(λ) = ((f′(λ))/λ)−λ^2 f(λ)  λf′′(λ) −f′(λ)+λ^3 f(λ) = 0 (2)  Let t = λ^2 , λ = t^(1/2)   f′(λ) = (df/dλ) = (dt/dλ).(df/dt) = 2t^(1/2) (df/dt) (3)  f′′(λ) = ((df′)/dλ) = (dt/dλ).((df′)/dt) = 2t^(1/2) [t^(−1/2) (df/dt)+2t^(1/2) (d^2 f/dt^2 )]  f′′(λ) = 2[(df/dt)+2t(d^2 f/dt^2 )] (4)  With (2), (3) and (4)  :  2 t^(1/2) [(df/dt)+2t(d^2 f/dt^2 )]−2t^(1/2) (df/dt)+t^(3/2) f = 0  (d^2 f/dt^2 )+(1/4)f = 0  → f(t) = Acos((t/2))+Bsin((t/2))  f(λ) = Acos((λ^2 /2))+Bsin((λ^2 /2))  A ? B ?  (1) : f(0) = ∫_0 ^∞ ((x^3 sin(0))/(x^4 +4))dx = 0 ⇒ A = 0  f(λ) = Bsin((λ^2 /2))  (1) : f(λ) = −f(λ) → f is odd  ⇒ B = 0 ?????!!!  Sorry ! I tried !


Answered by bramlexs22 last updated on 30/Dec/20

 super nice integral


Answered by liberty last updated on 30/Dec/20

let S(λ)=∫_0 ^( ∞) ((cos (λx))/(x^4 +4)) dx where S(0)=∫_0 ^( ∞) (1/(x^4 +4))dx=(π/8)  differentiating the function S(λ) over  λ once ⇒ S′(λ)=−∫_0 ^∞  ((x sin (λx))/(x^4 +4)) dx  and S′(0) = 0. Differentiating the function  S(λ) twice we get S′′(λ)=−∫_0 ^( ∞) ((x^2  cos (λx))/(x^4 +4)) dx  again S′′′(λ)=∫_0 ^( ∞) ((x^3  sin (λx))/(x^4 +4)) dx = R(λ)  we know that ∫_0 ^( ∞) ((sin (λx))/x) dx = (π/2)  thus S′′′(λ)−(π/2)=R(λ)−∫_0 ^( ∞)  ((sin (λx))/x)dx   ((x^3  sin (λx))/(x^4 +4))−(π/2) = −4∫_0 ^∞ ((sin (λx))/(x(x^4 +4)))dx  S^((4)) (λ) = −4∫_0 ^( ∞) ((cos (λx))/(x^4 +4))dx   then S^((4)) (λ)=−4S(λ)⇒S^((4)) (λ)+4S(λ)=0  the characteristic equation ℓ^4 +4=0  has four ℓ_0 =1+i ,ℓ_1 =−1+i ,ℓ_3 =−1−i  and ℓ_4 =1−i then S(λ)=C_1 e^(−λ) cos (λ)+C_2 e^(−λ) sin (λ)                                 +C_3 e^λ cos (λ)+C_4 e^λ sin (λ)  ⇒ ∣S(λ)∣ ≤ ∫_0 ^( ∞) (1/(4+x^4 )) dx =(π/8)  therefore ∫_0 ^( ∞) ((x^3  sin (λx))/(x^4 +4)) dx = (π/2)e^(−λ)  cos (λ)


Commented by Olaf last updated on 30/Dec/20

Dear Mr Liberty, for λ = 0 your   formula doesn′t work.


Commented by liberty last updated on 30/Dec/20

yes sir. i think this question valid for  λ > 0 .


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