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Question Number 127912 by PRITHWISH SEN 2 last updated on 03/Jan/21

Dividing by the factor of divisor find the   quotient and remainder of  715÷12


Answered by physicstutes last updated on 03/Jan/21

 715 = 12(59) + 7  remainder = 7


Commented by PRITHWISH SEN 2 last updated on 03/Jan/21

thank you sir. But the question is ′division by  the factor of the divisor′ not divide by the   divisor itself.


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jan/21

and what is meant with that?


Commented by PRITHWISH SEN 2 last updated on 03/Jan/21

actually I am also confused. This is what I found  on a 5th grade maths book.


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jan/21

to me factor and divisor are the same  thing, so “the factor of the divisor”  makes no sense.


Commented by PRITHWISH SEN 2 last updated on 03/Jan/21

Thank you sir.


Commented by PRITHWISH SEN 2 last updated on 19/Jan/21

715÷12  factor of 12 = 2,2,3  715= 357×2+1 ( first dividing by 2 )  357= 178×2+1 (again dividing by 2^(nd)  2 )  178 = 59×3 +1 (dividing by last 3 )  ∴ the remainder = 1^(st)  remainder (R)                             + 1^(st ) divisor(D)×2^(nd) R                                        + 1^(st) D×2^(nd) D×3^(rd) R                          = 1+ 2×1+2×2×1= 7


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