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Question Number 127997 by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/21

a paraboloid bowl has a depth of H  and an opening with diameter L.  a small block of mass m is released  from rest at the rim of the bowl.  the friction coefficient between the  objects is μ. assume the friction is  small enough such that the block can  pass through the lowest point.  find the maximum height h the small  block reaches.


Answered by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/21

R=(L/2)=radius of opening  let η=(H/R), ξ=(x/R)∈[−1,1]  y=H((x/R))^2 =Hξ^2   tan θ=y′=2H(x/R^2 )=2ηξ  y′′=2(H/R^2 )=((2η)/R)  radius of curvature r=(([1+(y′)^2 ]^(3/2) )/(∣y′′∣))  ⇒r=(((1+4η^2 ξ^2 )^(3/2) R)/(2η))  ds=(√(1+(y′)^2 ))dx=R(√(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))dξ    phase 1: from point A to point O  phase 2: from point O to point B    phase 1:  N=mg cos θ+m(v^2 /r)  f=μN=μm(g cos θ+(v^2 /r))  ma=mg sin θ−f  a=g sin θ−μ(g cos θ+(v^2 /r))  a=g(sin θ−μ cos θ)−((μv^2 )/r)  a=(dv/dt)=(dv/ds)×(ds/dt)=−v(dv/ds)  −((vdv)/(R(√(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))dξ))=((g(2ηξ−μ))/( (√(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))))−((2μηv^2 )/((1+4η^2 ξ^2 )^(3/2) R))  ((vdv)/( dξ))=−gR(2ηξ−μ)+((2μηv^2 )/(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))   ...(i)  ((2ηvdv)/( d(2ηξ)))=−gR(2ηξ−μ)+((2μηv^2 )/(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))  ((vdv)/( du))=−((gR)/(2η))(u−μ)+((μv^2 )/(1+u^2 ))   let u=2ηξ, w=v^2   ⇒(dw/( du))−((2μw)/(1+u^2 ))=−((gR)/η)(u−μ)  I=−2μ∫(du/(1+u^2 ))=−2μ tan^(−1) u  ⇒w=−((gR)/(ηe^(−2μ tan^(−1) u) ))[∫(u−μ)e^(−2μ tan^(−1) u) du−C]  ⇒w=−((gR)/(2ηe^(−2μ tan^(−1) u) ))[(1+u^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) u) −C]  ⇒v^2 =((gR)/(2η))e^(2μ tan^(−1) (2ηξ)) [C−(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2ηξ)) ]  at ξ=1, v=0:  C=(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2η))   ⇒v^2 =((gR)/(2η))e^(2μ tan^(−1) (2ηξ)) [(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2η)) −(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2ηξ)) ]  ⇒v^2 =((gR)/(2η)){(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)−tan^(−1) (2ηξ)]) −(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )}   ...(I)  at ξ=0, v=v_0 :  v_0 ^2 =((gR)/(2η))[(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2η)) −1]  ⇒v_0 =(√(((gR)/(2η))[(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2η)) −1]))  such that the block reaches the lowest  point, v_0 ≥0:  (1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2η)) −1≥0  e^(2μ tan^(−1) (2η)) ≤1+4η^2   ⇒μ≤((ln (1+4η^2 ))/(2 tan^(−1) (2η)))=μ_(max)     phase 2:  ma=−mg sin θ−f  a=−g sin θ−μ(g cos θ+(v^2 /r))  a=−g(sin θ+μ cos θ)−((μv^2 )/r)  a=(dv/dt)=(dv/ds)×(ds/dt)=v(dv/ds)  ((vdv)/(R(√(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))dξ))=−((g(2ηξ+μ))/( (√(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))))−((2μηv^2 )/((1+4η^2 ξ^2 )^(3/2) R))  ((vdv)/( dξ))=−gR(2ηξ+μ)−((2μηv^2 )/(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))   ...(ii)  ⇒(dw/( du))+((2μw)/(1+u^2 ))=−((gR)/η)(u+μ)   similarly as with (i),  ⇒v^2 =((gR)/(2η))e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2ηξ)) [C−(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )e^(2μ tan^(−1) (2ηξ)) ]  at ξ=0, v=v_0 :  v_0 ^2 =((gR)/(2η))(C−1)=((gR)/(2η))[(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2η)) −1]  ⇒C=(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2η))   ⇒v^2 =((gR)/(2η))e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2ηξ)) [(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ tan^(−1) (2η)) −(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )e^(2μ tan^(−1) (2ηξ)) ]  ⇒v^2 =((gR)/(2η)){(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)+tan^(−1) (2ηξ)]) −(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )}   ...(II)  we see we get (II) by replacing ξ with  −ξ in (I). that means (II) and (I) are  identical.    at the highest point B the speed is 0:  ((gR)/(2η)){(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)+tan^(−1) (2ηξ)]) −(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )}=0  (1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)+tan^(−1) (2ηξ)]) =(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )  e^(2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)+tan^(−1) (2ηξ)]) =((1+4η^2 )/(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))  ⇒tan^(−1) (2η)+tan^(−1) (2ηξ)=(1/(2μ))ln ((1+4η^2 )/(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))  ⇒ln (1+4η^2 ξ^2 )+2μ tan^(−1) (2ηξ)=ln (1+4η^2 )−2μ tan^(−1) (2η)   ...(III)  from this equation we can determine  ξ at which the block reaches the  highest point.    example: μ=0  ln (1+4η^2 ξ^2 )=ln (1+4η^2 )  ⇒ξ=±1  i.e. the block can reach the rim again.    example: η=(H/R)=1  ⇒μ_(max) =((ln (1+4η^2 ))/(2 tan^(−1) (2η)))=((ln 5)/(2 tan^(−1) 2))=0.7268  for μ=(1/2):  ⇒ξ≈0.1914 ⇒h_(max) ≈0.037H  for μ=(1/4):  ⇒ξ≈0.488 ⇒h_(max) ≈0.238H    example: η=(H/R)=4  ⇒μ_(max) =((ln (1+4η^2 ))/(2 tan^(−1) (2η)))=((ln 65)/(2 tan^(−1) 8))=1.443  for μ=(1/2):  ⇒ξ≈0.2514 ⇒h_(max) ≈0.063H  for μ=(1/4):  ⇒ξ≈0.4889 ⇒h_(max) ≈0.239H  ■  v^2 =((gR)/(2η)){(1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)−tan^(−1) (2ηξ)]) −(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )}  v=−(ds/dt)=−((R(√(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))dξ)/dt)=(√((gR)/(2η)))(√((1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)−tan^(−1) (2ηξ)]) −(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )))  t=(√((2H)/g))∫_ξ ^1 (1/( (√(((1+4η^2 )/(1+4η^2 ξ^2 )) e^(−2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)−tan^(−1) (2ηξ)]) −1))))dξ    N=m(g cos θ+(v^2 /r))  N=mg{(1/( (√(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))))+(((1+4η^2 )e^(−2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)−tan^(−1) (2ηξ)]) −(1+4η^2 ξ^2 ))/((1+4η^2 ξ^2 )^(3/2) ))}  (N/(mg))=((1+4η^2 )/((1+4η^2 ξ^2 )^(3/2) )) e^(−2μ[tan^(−1) (2η)−tan^(−1) (2ηξ)])


Commented by ajfour last updated on 04/Jan/21

how you managed, great attempt  Sir,  and yes i did ignore (v^2 /r)  ...


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/21

following diagram shows how the  velocity of the block changes.


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/21

Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Jan/21

    N−mgcos θ=((mv^2 )/r)      mgsin θ−f=((mdv)/dt)      (f/N)=μ    tan θ=2kx   ;  sec^2 θdθ=2kdx   r=((sec^3 θ)/(2k))          μ=((gsin θ−((vdv)/ds))/(gcos θ+(v^2 /r)))    μ=((gtan θ−((d(v^2 ))/((((sec^2 θdθ)/(2k))))))/(g+v^2 (((sec^2 θ)/(2k)))))     2gktan θsec^2 θ−((d(v^2 ))/dθ)     = 2μgksec^2 θ+μv^2   ((d(v^2 ))/dθ)+μ(v^2 )=2gk(tanθ−μ)sec^2 θ  d(v^2 )+μ(v^2 )d(tan^(−1) s)=2gk(s−μ)ds  d(v^2 )+((μv^2 ds)/(1+s^2 ))=2gk(s−μ)ds  (1+s^2 )d(v^2 )+μv^2 ds        = 2gk(1+s^2 )(s−μ)ds  ⇒    ∫d[(1+s^2 )(v^2 )]+∫(μ−2s)(v^2 )ds        =2gk∫(1+s^2 )(s−μ)ds  0+∫_θ_0  ^( θ) (μ−2s)(v^2 )ds      =2gk((s^4 /4)−((μs^3 )/3)+(s^2 /2)−μs)_θ_0  ^θ   ⇒  (μs−s^2 )v^2 −∫(μs−s^2 )d(v^2 )               =2gk((s^4 /4)−((μs^3 )/3)+(s^2 /2)−μs)_θ_0  ^θ   Anyhow  here  is the plan  ⇒  v^2 =f(θ)  v^2 =0   ⇒  θ=θ_0   and  θ=β  tan θ_0 =2kR  ,  tan β=−2k∣x_f ∣  kx_f ^2 =h.


Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/21

thanks for this new way attempt sir!


Commented by Ahmed1hamouda last updated on 05/Jan/21

  What is the name of the application you are using in drawing functions?

What is the name of the application you are using in drawing functions?

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/21



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