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Question Number 128241 by MJS_new last updated on 05/Jan/21

(1) just bought premium. I would be willing  to pay more. I suggest a “donate” possibility  (2) saving an email doesn′t work; at least the  website returns “fail”


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 05/Jan/21

Thank You for your purchase. Will  consider your suggestion  Email ID: tested again. Have added  some more information to  message which says “fail”. If you  try again and it fails then request  you to please email to  from the email used for registration  and will check if email id had some  characters which are causing the problem.


Commented by last updated on 05/Jan/21

To mr:Tinkutara!  thank you so much for providing this  lovely app.i respect your work hard.  but,why should proph:MJS pay the money?  he is an  important member  of this  forum from old times.he is a cause of   prosperity and reliability of forum.  there are many of such peoples in app  such as: proph:mrW,proph:Ajfour and many  others.  please dont get any money from them.  but request them to being here for life  time of app.  with respect,this is my opinion.


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 06/Jan/21

it′s friendly you say this but I love to support  all those who make good and useful apps.


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 06/Jan/21

it worked now


Commented by john_santu last updated on 06/Jan/21

i′m too used the premium...


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 06/Jan/21

Sir behi  As mentioned in the top pinned message  forum is free  files can be saved and shared  app is functional without purchase  Only a small part of app requires purchase.


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 06/Jan/21

my opinion:  Somebody does a great job for me ⇒ I pay.  In a different world maybe I could give back  something else. A piece of music. A poem.  But in this world although you might have  collected wonderful tunes, poems, smiles...  you will starve. That′s the sad truth.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/21

thanks to behi sir from me too!  i totally agree with mjs sir.   i think all users of this app benifit  from it, maybe some more and some  less. all users are and should be  equal.  it′s a great thing if all users may  make a small contribution to the  development of this app and honor  the great job done by the developers.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/21

a question to Tinkutara:  i remember, in early versions there  was a section in the app, called  study or someting like that. in that  part one could find a lot of useful  stuffs about some special topics. but  in recent versions, this part is removed  apparently from the app. what′s the  reason? or one can still find those  stuffs somewhere?


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/21

an other question to Tinkutara:  what is the limit on size of a post?  how can one know if he is close on or  even has already  exceeded the limit?


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 06/Jan/21

The limit is very high for text based  unlikely to be reached you probably  need about 300 lines to get close to  limit.  Did you get any failure there are no  failure logs on server.  Images have a limit of 2MB, you will  get error when cropped image exceeds  that size. App will first try to scale  image to fit limit before producing  an error.


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 06/Jan/21

Regarding study:  A few errors were pointed out, we  are still working on hiring someone  to review/correct.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/21

I got problems some time ago: after  i had edited my text based post and  sended it to the forum by using ≫   button, i realised that some lines at  end of the post were cut off and the  data went lost. since then i must  fear every time when i upload  a large post. fortunately i didn′t  experience this problem in recent  time, maybe the recent versions   allow longer posts than before.


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 06/Jan/21

The new limit was set a few month  back on database.   Will increase it again.  Posting when limit is exceeded will  fail and not truncate.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/21

that′s a great improvement!


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/21

to tinkutara sir:  i have enabled “Font size for forum”  in Settings, but it seems not to work  properly, because i still see other  posts in different font sizes. can you  please have a check?


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 06/Jan/21

This works only for text post.  Maybe the other post are images.  Will recheck.


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/21

example:  following posts are all text:


Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Jan/21

Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 06/Jan/21

Ok. This must a bug. will address  it in next update.


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