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Question Number 128851 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 10/Jan/21

               ...nice   calculus  (I)...     calculate  ::         Ψ=∫_0 ^( 1) {(e−1)(√(log( 1+ex−x ))) +e^x^2  }dx=?


Commented by mindispower last updated on 10/Jan/21

{.} fraction part ?


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 11/Jan/21

no mr power


Answered by Olaf last updated on 11/Jan/21

Let f(x) = (e−1)(√(ln(1+(e−1)x))+e^x^2    f is clearly an increasing function and  f(0) = 1, f(1) = e  ⇒ ∃a∈]0,1[ \ f(a) = 2    Ψ = ∫_0 ^1 {f(x)}dx = ∫_0 ^a {f(x)}dx+∫_a ^1 {f(x)}dx  Ψ = ∫_0 ^a (f(x)−1)dx+∫_a ^1 (f(x)−2)dx  Ψ = ∫_0 ^1 f(x)dx−a−2(1−a)  Ψ = ∫_0 ^1 f(x)dx+a−2  Let u = ln(1+(e−1)x)  e^u  = 1+(e−1)x  e^u du = (e−1)dx    I = (e−1)∫_0 ^1 (√(ln(1+(e−1)x)))dx  I = (e−1)∫_0 ^1 (√u)((e^u du)/(e−1))  I = ∫_0 ^1 (√u)e^u du  I = [(√x)e^x −((√π)/2)erfi((√x))]_0 ^1  = e−((√π)/2)erfi(1)    J = ∫_0 ^1 e^x^2  dx = [((√π)/2)erfi(x)]_0 ^1  = ((√π)/2)erfi(1)    Ψ = I+J+a−2 = e+a−2  (a ≈ 0,542)


Commented by mnjuly1970 last updated on 11/Jan/21

grateful for your work mr olaf..


Answered by mnjuly1970 last updated on 11/Jan/21

   note: ∫_(a ) ^( b) f(x)dx+∫_c ^( d) f^( −1) (x)dx=bd−ac    Ψ=∫_0 ^( 1) (e−1)(√(log(1+x(e−1))) dx              + ∫_0 ^( 1) e^x^2  dx    ∴ Ψ=^([u=(1+x(e−1)]) ∫_1 ^( e) (√(log(u))) du+∫_0 ^( 1) e^x^2  dx           =∫_1 ^( e) (√(log(x))) +∫_0 ^( 1) e^x^2  dx=e      note: f(x)=(√(log(x))) ⇔ f^( −1) (x)=e^x^2


Answered by mnjuly1970 last updated on 11/Jan/21

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