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Question Number 12894 by tawa last updated on 06/May/17

Commented by last updated on 06/May/17

S=π(D^2 /4)−3×π(D_1 ^2 /4)=(π/4)(84^2 −3×42^2 )=441π .■


Commented by tawa last updated on 06/May/17

God bless you sir.


Answered by RasheedSoomro last updated on 06/May/17

Let A  is the area of the outer circle,   a is an area of smaller circle and  c  is an  common area of any  two circles.  If S is shaded area then                 S=A−4a+4c  A=π(42)^2 =1764π  a=π(21)^2 =441π  If s is the segment( half of c)  associated  with smaller circle then  s=Quarter of small circle−a right angled triangle_(whose each  leg  is  21 )      =((441π)/4)−((21×21)/2)=((441π−2×441)/4)=((441(π−2))/4)    c=2s=((441(π−2))/2)  S=A−4a+4c=1764π−4(441π)+4(((441(π−2))/2))      =1764π−1764π+882(π−2)=882(π−2)


Commented by tawa last updated on 06/May/17

God bless you sir.


Commented by RasheedSoomro last updated on 07/May/17

Pl confiirm the answer.


Commented by sandy_suhendra last updated on 09/May/17

Commented by sandy_suhendra last updated on 09/May/17

A_1 =(1/4)π.42^2 −(1/2)π.21^2 −21^2         = 220.5π−441=220.5(π−2)  S=4×A_1 =4×220.5(π−2)=882(π−2)


Commented by RasheedSindhi last updated on 11/May/17

Thanks  sandy(my old friend!)  Your method is simpler!


Commented by sandy_suhendra last updated on 18/May/17

hallo Rasheed, why have you changed your user name?  And also long time no see you


Commented by RasheedSindhi last updated on 19/May/17

ThanX! Actually there′s  a  weak point of this fine forum  that one cannot use unique  ID on different devices!  Even on same device, after   reinstallation changing ID  is must!  So I use two devices use two  ID′s.


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