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Question Number 129336 by bramlexs22 last updated on 15/Jan/21

If a,b and c are the roots of   x^3 −21x−35 = 0 what is the value of   (a−b)(c−a)(b−c) ?


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 22/Jan/21

x^3 +px+q=0  Cardano gives  u=−(q/2)+(√((q^2 /4)+(p^3 /(27))))∧v=−(q/2)−(√((q^2 /4)+(p^3 /(27))))  [and for this purpose they are allowed to be  complex]  the roots then are [ω=−(1/2)+((√3)/2)i]  a=u^(1/3) +v^(1/3)   b=ωu^(1/3) +w^2 v^(1/3)   c=ω^2 u^(1/3) +ωv^(1/3)   (a−b)(b−c)(c−a)=       [knowing that ω^3 =1, ω^(3n+k) =ω^k ]  ...  =3(ω^2 −ω)(u−v)=  =−3(√3)(u−v)i=  =−i(√(4p^3 +27q^2 ))  with p=−21∧q=−35 we get 63


Commented by bramlexs22 last updated on 15/Jan/21

correct sir. but how step to got it?


Commented by liberty last updated on 15/Jan/21

my way.  let p(x) = (x−a)(x−b)(x−c) be polynomial  has the roots are a,b and c so we have  (x−a)(x−b)(x−c)=x^3 −21x−35  differentiating both sides w.r.t x gives  (x−b)(x−c)+(x−a)(x−c)+(x−a)(x−b)=3x^2 −21  putting x=a⇒3a^2 −21=(a−b)(a−c)  putting x=b⇒3b^2 −21=(b−a)(b−c)  putting x=c⇒3c^2 −21=(c−a)(c−b)  multiply three equation we get  (a−b)(a−c)(b−a)(b−c)(c−a)(c−b)=27(a^2 −7)(b^2 −7)(c^2 −7)  [ (a−b)(b−c)(c−a) ]^2 = 27(a^2 −7)(b^2 −7)(c^2 −7)  now consider the original equation   x^3 −21x = 35 ; x(x^2 −21)=35   x^2 (x^2 −21)^2 =35^2  ; let y=x^2 −7   (y+7)(y+7−21)^2 =35^2  ⇒y^3 −21y^2 −147=0  whose roots are  { ((a^2 −7 )),((b^2 −7 )),((c^2 −7)) :}  then by Vieta′s rule we get (a^2 −7)(b^2 −7)(c^2 −7)=147  finally we find [ (a−b)(b−c)(c−a) ]^2 =27×147  ⇔ (a−b)(b−c)(c−a) = ± (√(3969)) = ± 63


Commented by MJS_new last updated on 15/Jan/21

I corrected and completed


Commented by bramlexs22 last updated on 15/Jan/21

waw...thank you


Commented by bemath last updated on 15/Jan/21

my method    ⇔ x^3 −21x−35 = 0         a^3 −21a−35=0...(1)        b^3 −21b−35=0...(2)   (1)−(2)⇒a^3 −b^3 −21(a−b)=0   (a−b)(a^2 +ab+b^2 )−21(a−b)=0   (a−b)(a^2 +b^2 +ab−21)=0    ⇒(a−b)^2 +3ab−21=0           (a−b)^2  = 21−3ab   similar to  { (((c−a)^2  = 21−3ac)),(((b−c)^2  = 21−3bc)) :}  so we find   [(a−b)(c−a)(b−c)]^2  = (21−3ab)(21−3ac)(21−3bc)  RHS ≡ −27(abc)^2 +189abc(a+b+c)−              1323(ab+ac+bc)+21^3   RHS≡ −27(35)^2 +189(0)−1323(−21)+21^3   RHS≡ 3969   finally we find (a−b)(c−a)(b−c) = ± (√(3969)) = ± 63


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