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Question Number 131247 by bramlexs22 last updated on 03/Feb/21

(1) ψ = ∫ (dx/(1−sin x cos x))=?  (2) ∫_0 ^( ∞)  (x/(x^3 +1)) dx =?  (3) ∫_0 ^∞  (1/(x^(3/2) +1)) dx =?


Answered by liberty last updated on 03/Feb/21

        Evaluate ∫_0 ^( ∞) (x/(x^3 +1)) dx.  (2) L = ∫_0 ^( ∞) (x/(x^3 +1)) dx ; replace x with (1/x)         L=∫_0 ^( ∞) ((1/x)/((1/x^3 )+1)) .(−(dx/x^2 )) = ∫_0 ^( ∞) (dx/(1+x^3 ))   now we find that : 2L=∫_0 ^( ∞)  ((x+1)/(x^3 +1)) dx   2L = ∫_0 ^( ∞) (1/(x^2 −x+1)) dx ; L=(1/2)∫_0 ^( ∞) (dx/((x−(1/2))^2 +(((√3)/2))^2 ))  L= (1/2).(2/( (√3))) [tan^(−1) (((x−(1/2))/((√3)/2)))]_0 ^∞ = (1/( (√3))) [ tan^(−1) (((2x−1)/( (√3)))) ]_0 ^∞   L= (1/( (√3))) ((π/2)−(−(π/6)))= ((2π(√3))/9).


Answered by liberty last updated on 03/Feb/21

   Solve ψ = ∫ (dx/(1−sin x cos x))   (1) ψ=∫ (dx/(1−sin x cos x)) = ∫ ((sec^2 x)/(sec^2 x−tan x)) dx  ψ=∫ ((d(tan x))/(tan^2 x−tan x+1)) ; [ change variable t=tan x ]  ψ=∫ (dt/(t^2 −t+1)) = ∫ (dt/((t−(1/2))^2 +(((√3)/2))^2 ))  ψ= (2/( (√3))) arctan (((t−(1/2))/((√3)/2)))+c   ψ=(2/( (√3))) arctan (((2t−1)/( (√3)))) + c = (2/( (√3))) arctan (((2tan x−1)/( (√3))))+c   ψ= ((2 arctan (((2tan x−1)/( (√3)))))/( (√3))) + c


Commented by malwan last updated on 03/Feb/21

∫(( dx)/(1−sinxcosx)) = 2 ∫(( dx)/(2 −sin2x))  y=tanx⇒dy=sec^2 xdx  and we get the same result  thank you mr liberty


Answered by liberty last updated on 03/Feb/21

 (3) we want to evaluate η = ∫_0 ^( ∞)  (dx/(x^(3/2) +1)).   by rationalizing replace x^(1/2)  by t or x=t^2    η=2∫_0 ^∞ (t/(t^3 +1)) dt ; where ∫_0 ^( ∞)  (x/(x^3 +1))dx = ((2π(√3))/9)   ( see the solution in part (2))  Hence we find η = ∫_( 0) ^( ∞)  (dx/(x^(3/2) +1))= 2×(((2π(√3))/9))=((4π(√3))/9)


Answered by Ar Brandon last updated on 03/Feb/21

2. I=∫_0 ^∞ (x/(x^3 +1))dx , x^3 =t ⇒3x^2 dx=dt          =(1/3)∫_0 ^∞ (t^(−(1/3)) /(1+t))dt=((β((2/3),(1/3)))/3)          =((Γ((2/3))Γ((1/3)))/3)=(π/(3sin(π/3)))=((2π)/(3(√3)))


Commented by Engr_Jidda last updated on 03/Feb/21

sir pls how do (π/(3sin((π/3))))=((2π)/(3(√3)))?


Commented by malwan last updated on 03/Feb/21

(π/(3sin((π/3)))) = (π/(3×(((√3)/2)))) = ((2π)/(3(√3)))


Commented by Engr_Jidda last updated on 04/Feb/21

oh yeah, thanks


Answered by Dwaipayan Shikari last updated on 03/Feb/21

∫_0 ^∞ (1/(x^(3/2) +1))dx=(2/3)∫_0 ^∞ ((u^((2/3)−1)   )/((1+u)^((4/3)+(2/3)−1) ))du               x^(3/2) =u⇒(3/2)(√x) =(du/dx)  =(2/3).((Γ((2/3))Γ((4/3)))/(Γ(2)))=(2/9).(π/(sin((π/3))))=((4π)/(9(√3)))


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 03/Feb/21

1) Φ=∫  (dx/(1−sinx cosx)) ⇒Φ =∫  (dx/(1−((sin(2x))/2)))=2∫ (dx/(2−sin(2x)))  =_(2x=t)    ∫  (dt/(2−sint)) =_(tan((t/2))=y)      ∫   ((2dy)/((1+y^2 )(2−((2y)/(1+y^2 )))))  =∫  ((2dy)/(2+2y^2 −2y)) =∫  (dy/(y^2 −y+1)) =∫ (dy/((y−(1/2))^2  +(3/4)))  =_(y−(1/2)=((√3)/2)u)      (4/3) ∫   (1/(u^(2 ) +1))((√3)/2)du =(1/( (√3)))arctanu +C  =(1/( (√3)))arctan(((2y−1)/( (√3)))) +C =(1/( (√3)))arctan((1/( (√3)))(2tan(x)−1) +C


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 03/Feb/21

2) I =∫_0 ^∞  (x/(x^3  +1))dx   we do the cha7gement  x^(3 ) =t ⇒  I =(1/3)∫_0 ^∞   (t^(1/3) /(1+t))t^((1/3)−1)  dt =(1/3)∫_0 ^∞  (t^((2/3)−1) /(1+t))dt =(1/3).(π/(sin(((2π)/3)))) =(π/(3.((√3)/2)))  ⇒  I =((2π)/(3(√3)))


Answered by mathmax by abdo last updated on 03/Feb/21

3) J =∫_0 ^∞  (dx/(1+x^(3/2) )) we do the cha7gement  x^(3/2)  =t ⇒x=t^(2/3)  ⇒  J =(2/3)∫_0 ^∞    (t^((2/3)−1) /(1+t))dt =(2/3).(π/(sin(((2π)/(3 ))))) =((2π)/(3.((√3)/2))) =((4π)/(3(√3)))


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