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Question Number 132082 by liberty last updated on 11/Feb/21

 Solve ∫ (dx/((1+x^2 )^3 )) ?


Answered by EDWIN88 last updated on 11/Feb/21

Ostrogradski method  Consider (d/dx)(((ax^3 +bx)/((x^2 +1)^2 )) )= ((−ax^4 +(3a−3b)x^2 +b)/((x^2 +1)^3 ))  ∫ (d/dx)[((ax^3 +bx)/((x^2 +1)^2 )) ] = ∫ ((−ax^4 +(3a−3b)x^2 +b)/((x^2 +1)^3 )) dx+∫ (c/(x^2 +1))dx  comparing coefficients   1= −ax^4 +(3a−3b)x^2 +c(x^2 +1)^2 +b   1= (c−a)x^4 +(3a−3b+2c)x^2 +b+c  we get a=c , b+c = 1 , 3a−3b+2c = 0  then a=c=(3/8) ; b=(5/8)  therefore I=(1/8)[((3x^3 +5x)/((x^2 +1)^2 )) ]+(3/8)∫ (dx/(x^2 +1))  I= (1/8) [ ((3x^3 +5x)/((x^2 +1)^2 )) ] + (3/8)arctan (x) + c  please check


Answered by liberty last updated on 11/Feb/21

by Ostrogradski method  let ∫ (dx/((x^2 +1)^3 )) = ((ax^3 +bx)/((x^2 +1)^2 ))+ ∫ (c/(x^2 +1))dx  differentiating both sides  (1/((x^2 +1)^3 )) = (((3ax^2 +b)(x^2 +1)^2 −4x(x^2 +1)(ax^3 +bx))/((x^2 +1)^4 ))+(c/(x^2 +1))  (1/((x^2 +1)^3 )) = (((3ax^2 +b)(x^2 +1)−(4ax^4 +4bx^2 ))/((x^2 +1)^3 ))+((c(x^2 +1)^2 )/((x^2 +1)^3 ))  1= 3ax^4 +3ax^2 +bx^2 +b−4ax^4 −4bx^2 +cx^4 +2cx^2 +c  1=(−a+c)x^4 +(3a−3b+2c)x^2 +b+c  we get c=a ; b+c=1 ; 3a−3b+2c=0  ⇒5c−3(1−c)=0 ; 8c=3  c=a=(3/8) and b=(5/8)  then the integral become   ∫ (dx/((x^2 +1)^3 )) = ((3x^3 +5x)/(8(x^2 +1)^2 )) +∫ (3/8)(dx/((x^2 +1)))                         =((3x^3 +5x)/(8(x^2 +1)^2 )) + (3/8)arctan x + c


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