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Question Number 1331 by a@b.c last updated on 23/Jul/15

If α and β are different complex numbers  with ∣β∣=1 then ∣((β−α)/(1−αβ))∣=?


Commented by 123456 last updated on 23/Jul/15

∣α+β∣≤∣α∣+∣β∣  ∣β−α∣≤∣β∣+∣α∣  ∣α+(β−α)∣≤∣α∣+∣β−α∣  ∣β∣≤∣α∣+∣β−α∣  ∣β∣−∣α∣≤∣β−α∣≤∣β∣+∣α∣  1−∣αβ∣≤∣1−αβ∣≤1+∣αβ∣  ∣β∣=1⇒β=e^(xi) ,x∈R  1−∣α∣≤∣β−α∣≤1+∣α∣  1−∣α∣≤∣1−αβ∣≤1+∣α∣  ∣((β−α)/(1−αβ))∣=((∣β−α∣)/(∣1−αβ∣))  αβ≠1  αββ^� ≠β^�   α∣β∣^2 ≠β^�   α≠β^�   ∣α∣≠∣β^� ∣=∣β∣=1  ∣α∣≠1  α≠β⇒∣β−α∣≠0


Commented by Rasheed Soomro last updated on 23/Jul/15

The answer is α−dependant and it is also not fully free of β.  It either depends upon Real(β) or Im(β).   However the process of simplification may be as under:    ∣ β ∣=1⇒( ∣β∣ )^2 =1⇒β β^− =1  Hence ∣ ((β−α)/(1−αβ)) ∣=∣ ((β−α)/(β β^− −α β)) ∣        (Replacing 1 by β β^−  )                  =∣ ((β−α)/(β ( β^− −α ))) ∣=∣ (1/β) ∣ . ∣ ((β−α)/(β^− −α)) ∣=(1/(∣ β ∣)) . ∣ ((β −α)/(β^− −α)) ∣                  =∣ ((β−α)/(β^− −α)) ∣            ( ∣ β ∣=1 )                 =∣ ((β−α)/(β^− −α)) −1+1 ∣=∣ ((β−α−β^− +α)/(β^− −α)) +1∣=∣ ((β−β^− )/(β^− −α))+1∣  Now β−β^− =2i[Re(β)] and β^− =−Re(β)+i[Im(β)^(−) =Re(β)−i[ Im(β)                =∣ ((2i [Re(β)])/(Re(β)−i[ Im(β)−α)) +1∣     Here you can express Im(β) in terms of Re(β) or vice versa.     As [ Re(β) ]^2 +[ Im(β) ]^2 =1       (∵ ∣β∣=1 )               So  Im(β)=±(√(1−[ Re(β) ]^2 ))               ∣ ((β−α)/(1−αβ)) ∣ = ∣ ((2i [Re(β)])/(Re(β)−i[ {±(√(1−[ Re(β) ]^2 ))}−α)) +1∣                      Or                 ∣ ((β−α)/(1−αβ)) ∣=∣ ((2i {±(√(1−[Im(β)]^2  )) })/({±(√(1−[Im(β)]^2  )) }−i[ Im(β)−α)) +1∣

Theanswerisαdependantanditisalsonotfullyfreeofβ.IteitherdependsuponReal(β)orIm(β).Howevertheprocessofsimplificationmaybeasunder:β∣=1(β)2=1ββ=1Henceβα1αβ∣=∣βαββαβ(Replacing1byββ)=∣βαβ(βα)∣=∣1β.βαβα∣=1β.βαβα=∣βαβα(β∣=1)=∣βαβα1+1∣=∣βαβ+αβα+1∣=∣βββα+1Extra \left or missing \right=∣2i[Re(β)]Re(β)i[Im(β)α+1HereyoucanexpressIm(β)intermsofRe(β)orviceversa.As[Re(β)]2+[Im(β)]2=1(β∣=1)SoIm(β)=±1[Re(β)]2βα1αβ=2i[Re(β)]Re(β)i[{±1[Re(β)]2}α+1Orβα1αβ∣=∣2i{±1[Im(β)]2}{±1[Im(β)]2}i[Im(β)α+1

Answered by prakash jain last updated on 23/Jul/15

∣((β−α)/(1−αβ))∣^2 =(((β−α)/(1−αβ)))(((β^− −α^− )/(1−α^− β^− )))=((1+∣α∣^2 −αβ^− −βα^− )/(1+∣α∣^2 −αβ−α^− β^− ))  depends upon α and β.  The below variants of question can  give different answer.  ∣((β−α)/(1−α^− β))∣^2 =(((β−α)/(1−α^− β)))(((β^− −α^− )/(1−αβ^− )))=((1+∣α∣^2 −αβ^− −βα^− )/(1+∣α∣^2 −α^− β−αβ^− ))=1  ∣((β−α)/(1−αβ^− ))∣^2 =(((β−α)/(1−αβ^− )))(((β^− −α^− )/(1−α^− β)))=((1+∣α∣^2 −αβ^− −βα^− )/(1+∣α∣^2 −α^− β−αβ^− ))=1


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