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Question Number 134127 by bobhans last updated on 28/Feb/21

 Given ∣f(x)∣ = x^2  for −1<x<1  find f ′(0).

Givenf(x)=x2for1<x<1 findf(0).

Commented byEDWIN88 last updated on 28/Feb/21

does not exist


Commented byEDWIN88 last updated on 28/Feb/21

Commented byMJS_new last updated on 28/Feb/21

proper maths:  let′s try with  f(x)=2x ∀ x∈R       this simply  means, we′re assigning x → 2x       or y=2x  ∣f(x)∣=2x is not a function anymore       ∣y∣=2x ⇔ y=±2x∧x≥0       we can split the branches:       y_1 =−2x∧x≥0       y_2 =2x∧x≥0       (dy_1 /dx) and (dy_2 /dx) both exist but (dy/dx) doesn′t exist    now  ∣f(x)∣=x^2  ∀ x∈R       y=±x^2 ∧x^2 ≥0 but x^2 ≥0∀x∈R       again we have 2 branches:       y_1 =−x^2  ∀ x∈R       y_2 =x^2  ∀ x∈R       again (dy_1 /dx) and (dy_2 /dx) exist but (dy/dx) doesn′t exist       anyway for x=0 we have (dy_1 /dx)=(dy_2 /dx)=0       but this still doesn′t mean that (dy/dx)=0 for x=0

propermaths: letstrywith f(x)=2xxR thissimplymeans,wereassigningx2x ory=2x f(x)∣=2xisnotafunctionanymore y∣=2xy=±2xx0 wecansplitthebranches: y1=2xx0 y2=2xx0 dy1dxanddy2dxbothexistbutdydxdoesntexist now f(x)∣=x2xR y=±x2x20butx20xR againwehave2branches: y1=x2xR y2=x2xR againdy1dxanddy2dxexistbutdydxdoesntexist anywayforx=0wehavedy1dx=dy2dx=0 butthisstilldoesntmeanthatdydx=0forx=0

Answered by EDWIN88 last updated on 28/Feb/21

∣y  ∣ = x^2  ⇒ (√y^2 ) =x^2  ; y^2  = x^4   2y y′ = 4x^3  , y′ = ((2x^3 )/( (√y))) = (0/0) (does not exist )

y=x2y2=x2;y2=x4 2yy=4x3,y=2x3y=00(doesnotexist)

Commented bymr W last updated on 28/Feb/21

y′ = ((2x^3 )/( (√y))) =((2x^3 )/x^2 )=2x  f′(0)=0

y=2x3y=2x3x2=2x f(0)=0

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