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Question Number 134905 by bramlexs22 last updated on 08/Mar/21


Combinatorics What is the number of ways of distributing 9 different objects among 5 persons such that each gets at least 1?\n

Commented bysoumyasaha last updated on 08/Mar/21

 5^9  − ^5 C_1 4^9  + ^5 C_2 3^9  − ^5 C_3 2^9  + ^5 C_4 1^9  = 843120


Answered by math55 last updated on 08/Mar/21

Solution  Given,   Total objects ′n′=9   Total person ′r′=5  then,  Total way for the=^n P_r   distribution                                        =^9 P_5 =((9!)/((9−5)!))                                        =((9!)/(4!))                                   [   =15120 ways

Solution Given, Totalobjectsn=9 Totalpersonr=5 then, Totalwayforthe=nPr distribution =9P5=9!(95)! =9!4! [=15120ways

Commented bybramlexs22 last updated on 08/Mar/21



Commented bymr W last updated on 08/Mar/21

correct is 834120, i think.


Commented bymath55 last updated on 08/Mar/21

how sir please explain


Answered by mr W last updated on 08/Mar/21

to distribute n identical objects  among r persions, the number of  ways is the coefficient of x^n  term in  (x+x^2 +x^3 +...)^r   (each person gets at least one object)    if the n objects are different,  similarly the number of ways is the  coefficient of x^n  term in  n!(x+(1/(2!))x^2 +(1/(3!))x^3 +...)^r =n!(e^x −1)^r     with n=9, r=5 we get the coef. of  x^9  in 9!(e^x −1)^5  is 834120.

todistributenidenticalobjects amongrpersions,thenumberof waysisthecoefficientofxntermin (x+x2+x3+...)r (eachpersongetsatleastoneobject) ifthenobjectsaredifferent, similarlythenumberofwaysisthe coefficientofxntermin n!(x+12!x2+13!x3+...)r=n!(ex1)r withn=9,r=5wegetthecoef.of x9in9!(ex1)5is834120.

Commented bymr W last updated on 08/Mar/21

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