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Question Number 135217 by benjo_mathlover last updated on 11/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Mar/21

please explain what you mean with  “there is exactly only a circle that  has 6 girls”!  when a circle has exactly 6 girls,  then the other circle also has exactly  6 girls.


Commented by benjo_mathlover last updated on 11/Mar/21

  one of the circles exactly 6 girls means there shouldn't be a boy among them

one of the circles exactly 6 girls means there shouldn't be a boy among them

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Mar/21

that means one circle has 6 girls,  and the other circle has 6 girls and  8 boys.


Commented by benjo_mathlover last updated on 11/Mar/21

yes sir


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Mar/21

the question is not easy. do you have  the answer?


Answered by mr W last updated on 12/Mar/21

step 1:  in how many ways can 8 boys and  12 girls be divided into two groups  such that each group has at least 6  people?  say in one group the number of boys  is b and the number of girls is g,  6≤b+g≤14  to select b from 8 boys there are C_b ^8  ways  to select g from 12 girls there are C_g ^(12)  ways  b: (1+C_1 ^8 x+C_2 ^8 x^2 +C_3 ^8 x^3 +...+C_8 ^8 x^8 )  g: (1+C_1 ^(12) x+C_2 ^(12) x^2 +C_3 ^(12) x^3 +...+C_(12) ^(12) x^(12) )  the sum of coef. of terms x^6  to x^(14)  in  (1+C_1 ^8 x+C_2 ^8 x^2 +C_3 ^8 x^3 +...+C_8 ^8 x^8 )(1+C_1 ^(12) x+C_2 ^(12) x^2 +C_3 ^(12) x^3 +...+C_(12) ^(12) x^(12) )  is the result.  x^6 :         38 760  x^7 :         77 520  x^8 :       125 970  x^9 :       167 960  x^(10:)       184 756  x^(11) :      167 960  x^(12) :      125 970  x^(13) :         77 520  x^(14) :         38 760  Σ:    1 005 176


Commented by mr W last updated on 12/Mar/21

step 2:  as step 1, but each group must have  both boy and girl, that means one  group must have at least one but  at most 7 boys, and at least one but  at most 11 girls.  the sum of coef. of terms x^6  to x^(14)  in  (C_1 ^8 x+C_2 ^8 x^2 +C_3 ^8 x^3 +...+C_7 ^8 x^7 )×(C_1 ^(12) x+C_2 ^(12) x^2 +C_3 ^(12) x^3 +...+C_(11) ^(12) x^(11) )  is the result.  x^6 :         37 808  x^7 :         76 720  x^8 :      125 474  x^9 :      167 728  x^(10) :     184 624  x^(11) :     167 728  x^(12) :     125 474  x^(13) :        76 720  x^(14) :        37 808  Σ:    1 000 084


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Mar/21

step 3:  one group has only 6 girls.  result is C_6 ^(12) =924


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Mar/21

the requested probability is  p=((1 000 084 + 924)/(1 005 176))=((125 126)/(125 647))≈0.995 853


Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 11/Mar/21

Commented by benjo_mathlover last updated on 13/Mar/21



Commented by mr W last updated on 13/Mar/21

you could comfirm the answer sir?


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