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Question Number 135303 by bobhans last updated on 12/Mar/21

$$ \\ $$ in how many ways can 10 people be seated in a round table if 3 persons want to seat consecutively?\\n

Answered by EDWIN88 last updated on 12/Mar/21

p(A)= ((3!×7!)/(9!))= (6/(9×8))=(1/(12))

$$\mathrm{p}\left(\mathrm{A}\right)=\:\frac{\mathrm{3}!×\mathrm{7}!}{\mathrm{9}!}=\:\frac{\mathrm{6}}{\mathrm{9}×\mathrm{8}}=\frac{\mathrm{1}}{\mathrm{12}} \\ $$

Answered by mr W last updated on 12/Mar/21


$$\mathrm{7}!×\mathrm{3}! \\ $$

Commented bymr W last updated on 12/Mar/21

Commented byliberty last updated on 12/Mar/21 are right

$${yes}....{you}\:{are}\:{right} \\ $$

Commented bymr W last updated on 12/Mar/21

an the table there are other people  besides A,B,C. so ABC≠BCA etc.

$${an}\:{the}\:{table}\:{there}\:{are}\:{other}\:{people} \\ $$ $${besides}\:{A},{B},{C}.\:{so}\:{ABC}\neq{BCA}\:{etc}. \\ $$

Commented bymr W last updated on 12/Mar/21

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