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Question Number 136063 by liberty last updated on 18/Mar/21

A and B can do a job in 10 days and 5 days, respectively. They worked together for two days, after which B was replaced by C and the work was finished in the next three days. How long will C alone take to finish 40% of the job?\n

Answered by nadovic last updated on 18/Mar/21

A′s Rate of work = (1/(10))  B′s Rate of work = (1/5)  Combined Rate of work = (1/(10)) + (1/5)                                                     = (3/(10))  ∴ A and B would complete the work       together in ((10)/3) days.  But B was replaced after 2 days.  Now,  (2/((10/3))) ×100= 60%    So A and B finished 60% of the job   and A and C will work on the 40% left  which they finished together in 3 days.  ⇒  it will take A 4 days to finish 40%          of the job, working alone.    Suppose C can finish the remaining  40% alone in x days, then                   ((0.4)/x)  +  ((0.4)/4)  =  ((0.4)/3)                   x  =  12 days   Hence, C can finish 40% of the work   alone in 12 days.

AsRateofwork=110 BsRateofwork=15 CombinedRateofwork=110+15 =310 AandBwouldcompletethework togetherin103days. ButBwasreplacedafter2days. Now,2(10/3)×100=60% SoAandBfinished60%ofthejob andAandCwillworkonthe40%left whichtheyfinishedtogetherin3days. itwilltakeA4daystofinish40% ofthejob,workingalone. SupposeCcanfinishtheremaining 40%aloneinxdays,then 0.4x+0.44=0.43 x=12days Hence,Ccanfinish40%ofthework alonein12days.

Commented bybramlexs22 last updated on 18/Mar/21



Answered by mr W last updated on 18/Mar/21

say A needs a days for the whole job,  B needs b days, C needs c days.  given: a=10, b=5  in two days A and B did  2×((1/(10))+(1/5))=(3/5)  in three days A and C did the rest:  3×((1/(10))+(1/c))=1−(3/5)  ⇒c=30  C needs 30 days to do the whole job.  to do 40% of the job, C needs   0.4×30=12 days

sayAneedsadaysforthewholejob, Bneedsbdays,Cneedscdays. given:a=10,b=5 intwodaysAandBdid 2×(110+15)=35 inthreedaysAandCdidtherest: 3×(110+1c)=135 c=30 Cneeds30daystodothewholejob. todo40%ofthejob,Cneeds 0.4×30=12days

Commented last updated on 18/Mar/21

i like it!


Commented bybramlexs22 last updated on 18/Mar/21

very simple


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