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Question Number 136415 by ajfour last updated on 21/Mar/21

Commented by ajfour last updated on 21/Mar/21

Find maximum area of  △APQ  in terms of a,b,c,h.


Answered by mr W last updated on 24/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 27/Mar/21

classic way  z_C =p  y_C =0  x_C =(√(b^2 −p^2 ))  z_B =q  y_B =r  x_B ^2 =c^2 −q^2 −r^2   BC^2 =(q−p)^2 +r^2 +(x_B −(√(b^2 −p^2 )))^2 =a^2   c^2 +b^2 −2pq−2x_B (√(b^2 −p^2 ))=a^2   pq+x_B (√(b^2 −p^2 ))=((b^2 +c^2 −a^2 )/2)=k  x_B =((k−pq)/( (√(b^2 −p^2 ))))  ⇒r^2 =c^2 −q^2 −(((k−pq)^2 )/(b^2 −p^2 ))  (x_Q /x_C )=(h/(h−p))  x_Q =((h(√(b^2 −p^2 )))/(h−p))  (y_P /y_B )=(h/(h−q))  y_P =((hr)/(h−q))  shadow area APQ A=((x_Q y_P )/2)                               =((h^2 r(√(b^2 −p^2 )))/(2(h−p)(h−q)))  A=((h^2 (√((b^2 −p^2 )(c^2 −q^2 )−(k−pq)^2 )))/(2(h−p)(h−q)))  let A^2 =((h^4 Φ)/4)  Φ=(((b^2 −p^2 )(c^2 −q^2 )−(k−pq)^2 )/((h−p)^2 (h−q)^2 ))  (∂Φ/∂p)=((−2p(c^2 −q^2 )+2q(k−pq))/((h−p)^2 (h−q)^2 ))+2×(((b^2 −p^2 )(c^2 −q^2 )−(k−pq)^2 )/((h−p)^3 (h−q)^2 ))=0  (hp−b^2 )(c^2 −q^2 )=(hq−k)(k−pq)  hc^2 p+b^2 q^2 =k(h+p)q+b^2 c^2 −k^2    ...(i)  (∂Φ/∂q)=((−2q(b^2 −p^2 )+2p(k−pq))/((h−p)^2 (h−q)^2 ))+2×(((b^2 −p^2 )(c^2 −q^2 )−(k−pq)^2 )/((h−p)^2 (h−q)^3 ))=0  (hq−c^2 )(b^2 −p^2 )=(hp−k)(k−pq)  hb^2 q+c^2 p^2 =k(h+q)p+b^2 c^2 −k^2    ...(ii)    (ii)−(i):  h(b^2 q−c^2 p)+c^2 p^2 −b^2 q^2 =kh(p−q)  c^2 p^2 −h(c^2 +k)p−b^2 q^2 +h(b^2 +k)q=0   (I)  (ii)+(i):  c^2 p(h+p)+b^2 q(h+q)=k[h(p+q)+2pq]+2b^2 c^2 −2k^2   c^2 p^2 +h(c^2 −k)p+b^2 q^2 +h(b^2 −k)q=2kpq+2b^2 c^2 −2k^2    (II)    (I)+(II):  c^2 p^2 −hkp+hb^2 q=kpq+b^2 c^2 −k^2   (hb^2 −kp)q=b^2 c^2 −k^2 +hkp−c^2 p^2   ⇒q=((b^2 c^2 −k^2 +hkp−c^2 p^2 )/(hb^2 −kp))   (III)  put this into (I) to solve for p.    example 1: a=5, b=4, c=7, h=10  Δ_(ABC) =9.7980  ⇒p=2.5897, q=5.2984, r=4.0847  ⇒A_(max) =17.8706  example 2: a=5, b=7, c=7, h=10  Δ_(ABC) =16.3459  ⇒p=q=5.5119, r=4.0753  ⇒A_(max) =43.6497  ====================  A=((h^2 (√((b^2 −p^2 )(c^2 −q^2 )−(k−pq)^2 )))/(2(h−p)(h−q)))  with  q=((b^2 c^2 −k^2 +hkp−c^2 p^2 )/(hb^2 −kp))  k=((b^2 +c^2 −a^2 )/2)


Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/Mar/21

i tried it sir, wasnt much success  so dint post. How do you  guess the answer, Sir?


Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Mar/21

thanks for comfirming sir!


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Mar/21

exact solution seems impossible to  me. i could not find a geometric way  either. i hope you′ll get more  success through vector way.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Mar/21

Thanks for pursuing it till here  Sir..


Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Mar/21

Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Mar/21

sin θ=(b/h)  ,  cos θ=(b/s)  s=(b/( (√(1−((b/h))^2 ))))  t=(c/( (√(1−((c/h))^2 ))))  next we need to find ∠PAQ  ....


Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Mar/21

i understand your thought. i did the  same, but it is not correct. for area of  shadow it is not obviours what makes  its area maximum. let′s look the  symmetrical case that AB=AC.  we may think the area of the shadow  is maximum, when ΔABC stands  perpendicularly to the line SR, since  the length of AR, as well as AP and  AQ are maximum. but this is not  correct, since the maximal length  of AP and AQ doesn′t lead to the  maximum area of APQ.


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Mar/21

AB=AC=b  BC=a  AD=d=((2Δ)/a) with Δ=area of ABC  ED=d cos θ  AE=d sin θ  ES=h−d sin θ  ((AR)/(ED))=((AS)/(ES))=(h/(h−d sin θ))  ⇒AR=((hd cos θ)/(h−d sin θ))  ((PQ)/(AB))=(h/(h−d sin θ))  ⇒PQ=((ha)/(h−d sin θ))  area of shadow APQ =A  A=((AR×PQ)/2)=((h^2 ad cos θ)/(2(h−d sin θ)^2 ))=((Δ cos θ)/((1−(d/h) sin θ)^2 ))  let λ=(d/h)=((2Δ)/(ah))  (A/Δ)=Φ=((cos θ)/((1−λ sin θ)^2 ))  (dΦ/dθ)=−((sin θ)/((1−λ sin θ)^2 ))+((2λ cos^2  θ )/((1−λ sin θ)^3 ))=0  sin θ=((2λ cos^2  θ )/(1−λ sin θ))  sin θ−λ sin^2  θ=2λ−2λ sin^2  θ  sin^2  θ+(1/λ) sin θ−2=0  ⇒sin θ=(((√(1+8λ^2 ))−1)/(2λ))  ⇒θ_m =sin^(−1) (((√(1+8λ^2 ))−1)/(2λ))  at θ_m  the area of shadow is maximum.  Φ_(max) =((√(2((√(1+8λ^2 ))−2λ^2 −1)))/(λ(4λ^2 +5−3(√(1+8λ^2 )))))  example: a=5, b=c=7, h=10  ⇒Δ=16.3459  λ=((2×16.3459)/(5×10))=0.653836  Φ_(max) =2.670394  ⇒A_(max) =2.670394×16.3459=43.6499  the same result as before.    when SD tangents AD, see dot lines,  sin θ=(d/h)=λ⇒sin θ_m , that means the  area of shadow is here not maximum.


Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Mar/21

if sin θ_m =λ=(d/h)=((2Δ)/(ah))  A_(max) =Δ×((cos θ)/((1−λ sin θ)^2 ))=Δ×((√(1−λ^2 ))/((1−λ^2 )^2 ))             =(Δ/((1−λ^2 )^(3/2) ))=(Δ/((1−((4Δ^2 )/(a^2 h^2 )))^(3/2) ))  this is the formula which i gave  at first. but now we know it is not  correct.


Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Mar/21

Summary  we can express the area of shadow as  a function of a single variable p:  A=((h^2 (√((b^2 −p^2 )(c^2 −q^2 )−(k−pq)^2 )))/(2(h−p)(h−q)))  with  q=((b^2 c^2 −k^2 +hkp−c^2 p^2 )/(hb^2 −kp))  k=((b^2 +c^2 −a^2 )/2)  the maximum area of the shadow  can be determined approximately.


Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 26/Mar/21

Commented by ajfour last updated on 28/Mar/21

Yes Sir, its all correct  I just checked for b=c  A=((ah^2 (√(4b^2 sin^2 θ−a^2 )))/(4(h−bcos θ)^2 ))  for b=c=7, a=5, h=10    i get  A_(max) = 43.6497     at  cos θ=0.7874


Answered by mr W last updated on 25/Mar/21

Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Mar/21

vector way    Δ=area of ABC    SB=b−h  SP=ξ(b−h)  AP=h+SP=h+ξ(b−h)=(1−ξ)h+ξb  AP∙h=0  (1−ξ)h^2 +ξb∙h=0  ξ=(1/(1−((b∙h)/h^2 )))  p=AP=(1/(1−((b∙h)/h^2 )))(((b∙h)/h^2 )h+b)  similarly  q=AQ=(1/(1−((c∙h)/h^2 )))(((c∙h)/h^2 )h+c)  area of shadow A=(1/2)∣p×q∣  b=(b,0,0)  c=(c cos ∠A, c sin ∠A,0)  h=(αh,βh,γh) with γ=(√(1−α^2 −β^2 ))  b∙h=αhb  c∙h=αhc cos ∠A+βhc sin ∠A  ⇒p=((bh)/(h−αb))(1+α^2 , αβ, αγ)  ⇒q=((ch)/(h−c(α cos ∠A+β sin ∠A)))((1+α^2 ) cos ∠A+αβ sin ∠A, (1+β^2 ) sin ∠A+αβ cos ∠A, (α cos ∠A+β sin ∠A)γ)  u=αβ×(α cos ∠A+β sin ∠A)γ−αγ×[(1+β^2 ) sin ∠A+αβ cos ∠A]  u=−αγ sin ∠A  v=(1+α^2 )×(α cos ∠A+β sin ∠A)γ−αγ×[(1+α^2 ) cos ∠A+αβ sin ∠A]  v=−βγ sin ∠A  w=(1+α^2 )×[(1+β^2 ) sin ∠A+αβ cos ∠A]−αβ×[(1+α^2 ) cos ∠A+αβ sin A]  w=(1+α^2 +β^2 ) sin ∠A  (1/2)∣p×q∣=(1/2)×((bh)/(h−αb))×((ch)/(h−c(α cos ∠A+β sin ∠A)))×(√(u^2 +v^2 +z^2 ))  ∣p×q∣=((bch^2 sin ∠A(√((α^2 +β^2 )γ^2 +(1+α^2 +β^2 )^2 )))/(2(h−αb)[h−c(α cos ∠A+β sin ∠A)]))  ∣p×q∣=((h^2 Δ(√((1−γ^2 )γ^2 +(2−γ^2 )^2 )))/((h−αb)[h−c(α cos ∠A+β sin ∠A)]))  ∣p×q∣=((Δ(√(1+3α^2 +3β^2 )))/((1−(b/h)α)[1−(c/h)(α cos ∠A+β sin ∠A)]))  let (b/h)=l, ((c cos ∠A)/h)=m, ((c sin ∠A)/h)=n  area of shadow A=((Δ(√(1+3α^2 +3β^2 )))/((1−lα)(1−mα−nβ)))                                        =(√Φ)Δ                          Φ=((1+3α^2 +3β^2 )/((1−lα)^2 (1−mα−nβ)^2 ))  .....


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